Greetings from the cold North!
We did get about 40 cm of snow over the weekend. Spirits were fairly low. The MM had to stay in the city so it was just the PM, wee ones and us cats at home. The PM tried to go out to start shovelling when it was all over and she couldn't open the door more than 8 inches! The back door was the same. She made up her mind to crawl out the front window into the rose bushes but the screens were frozen and wouldn't even thaw with a hairdryer.
A wave of claustrophobia panic descended. I offered to go out but the PM said I was too small to handle the shovel. Rats!! Then the PM thought the wee lad could try. He donned all his snow gear and squeezed through the opening. He couldn't handle the big shovel too well so he dug out the door with a Tupperware cover.
What a production, I tell you!!
Yesterday was a beautiful day so I went out to check out all the whiteness.

Really pathetic! The banks are so high I could only see blue sky!
I felt like I was in a little mouse trail!

The snow was really powdery and really did a number on my toehawks.
I had to stop for a cleaning four times!!!!




I feel like an explorer on the deserted Arctic Tundra!

Here are some photos from around the yard.

There is about 5 feet of snow in the side yard.

Our lovely Snowdrops are under there somewhere.
Are you guys ok?