A couple of weeks ago, Cecil had posted about the evils of eating bean food. Since then I seem to be obsessed with it. It is like when the PM tells the wee ones NOT to touch something and they touch it right away. I seem to have caught the "bean food bug". Every time the wee ones eat, I scour the floor searching for dropped crumbs. My favorites so far are muffins and frozen blueberries.
My biggest treat happened when the PM dropped a knife when she was making breakfast. I had to investigate and to my surprise I discovered. PEANUT BUTTER!
I enjoyed it greatly though it did take a while to consume.
A real long, long, long time.
Now I am worried that this food is on the list of cat toxins. I feel fine though, but now I want more. I find I am trying to distract the PM now when she has a knife in her hand, hoping it'll drop. I just can't stop!!!
What bean food do you secretly indulge in?
P B & J
1 hour ago
Goldie you look so cute eating peanut butter.I hope it's not on the list cause I and Daisy like it too.
Chica & Pumuckl are also always around when we are eating and enjoy any food dropping on the floor. I can never eat yogurt alone, Pumuckl knows already the sound when I just open it and he comes running.
For the awards just adjust width and height, should look like that: "img border="0" width="125px" src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WNv2mBfRVSg/R_kS2xLsVvI/AAAAAAAAAOE/9nMQBrOYLVc/s200/2008-04-03_094107.jpg" height="120px"/". (Replace " by < and >) The width should be max 145 in your case.
You must be careful with bean food. You might be allergic to peanuts in the peanut butter!
My favorite bean food is fresh grilled salmon lightly seasoned, with no lemon.
It looks like you are enjoying the peanut butter. I don't like a lot of human food (except fish) but Merlin likes many things, like popcorn and animal crackers.
I can't say no to ice cream. But I don't get to have it very often.
There is a shrink to fit option when you load to your sidebar. Have you tried that?
oh that last photo is hilarious! You ARE the cat that got the peanut butter! I am not sure if peanut butter is a toxic cat food. I have myself eaten blueberry muffin before, it's delicious. I am not an obligate carnivore - my feline palate adores human food. To date, I have eaten: sprouts, sweetcorn, peas, mashed potatoe, trifle, ice cream, jelly, lemon curd, pavlova, fish fingers, chips, naan bread, curry, spaghetti bologneise, lasagne, roast parsnips, cheese, muffins, jam sponge cake, pizza, kfc, salad, spinach, couscous, moussaka, green beans, cucumber.
This list is not exhaustive, basically - I have tried a little of everything that the human has had. That is, I have demanded a little!
Thanks Ana for the info! Worked like a charm.
****We are bowing to you*****
Goldie and Shade and the inept PM
Shrimp is awesome. First of all it is orange, and orange is always good. Even the part the beans put in the trash smells great, but shrimp meat is the BEST!
Lately I've been into edame too. Not sure why.
I LOVE all bean food, especially cold meat, cheese, milk, yoghurt, sausages, meatballs, steemed or grilled fish, pizza, minced beef, steamed chicken,.........
Haven't tried peanut butter though.
Ooooh peanut butter! Luckyyyy.
tee hee hee that is so funny. i think peanut butter is ok, maybe check the ASPCA website for bad foods.
I love Cheese It and Goldfish crackers. I drool like a woofie just thinking of them.
Peanut butter is smoething we have not tried yet. Hwever, we do love, Love, LOVE Whipped Cream!
I love fishy crackers and yogurt, and chips of all kinds, but just little bites of them..I've never tried peanut butter!
Guess what!? I like peanut butter, too! And it takes about a thousand licks to get it all off your mouth when you are done.
My sister Pixie likes bananers and also refried beans. Yuck!
You eat peanut butter ???I never tried it but you looks like it taste wonderful.
I don´t like a lot of Humans food except cooked ham and chicken . Luzie loves everything with milk, yogurt and cream and Frieda was a stray she eats everything...
We have never had peanut butter, but we both love cheese.
hehehe, those are adorable pickshures of you, you are truly Brainball's soul brutha! It always blows Momma's mind, how you two are such twinsies.
I'm glad you like yur peanut buttur! Momma's hearded it isn't toxic to kitties but that kitties ought to eat only a small amount at a time cuz it is sooooo furry sticky and can be kinda choky. Sometimes a small amount is used to give kitties medisines cuz you can crush up pills in a little bit of peanut butter and rub it on a kitty's pawsies!
My seckrit bean food I love is PEAS AND CARROTS!!! Daddy loves to snack on peas and carrots and he shares with me. I love the juice, too!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You look so cute eating the peanut butter, Goldie! This was a good question. After reading what all the other cats like to eat (esp. Yao lin - wow!!), I got very hungry and started whining for the roast chicken the food lady made last night. She brought me some right away. I love chicken, steak, cheese, pork, milk, ice cream. Whenever the food dude goes to the fridge, I run over to whine at him because he's usually good for a treat.
u ar so cuite w/your pb lol the wuffy at our house love it to
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