
First off I would like to send some big purrrs to  MoMo and Moki as they are both not feeling well. Get better soon, friends.

We were tagged by our great friends Sweet Ariel, Loa's Babies and Cory to do the "8 Random Things About Me Meme". Since where was three tags and three of us we will each do one. Since it is Mancat Monday, I will go first.

  • We got some snow.  Lots of snow.

  • I like to go out and use the facilities all winter long.  Especially first thing in the morning.
  • Yesterday, after the storm, the PM tried to open the door for me but the snow was too deep.  This is as far as she could push it.  I am looking at the tracks out there of an animal who walked right by my door. Hmmm.... I wonder who came a callin'?

  • I did not chose to squeeze thru the door to venture mancatly bits deep in snow to do my business. The litter box was the winner that fine day.
  • I come like a dawg ever time the PM calls my name. 
  • I have never slept on the couch.
  • I do not have a playroom. I was in the wee one's playroom last week for Wordless Wednesday. The PM took out a bunch of toys and made it Banshee's refuge. I am asking that the room stay like that.
  • The PM has listened somewhat to my request and said she is making a "tree/lounger" for us. Well, she's not, the tool handy Uncle and Grampie are. She's just came up with the idea.  She cleaned out one of our window ledges and the plan is to construct some structure there.  They are making one for the City Cousins too but ours won't be as tall but will be a little spread out. Here is a shot of the ledge all cleaned out. She put some blankets down so there are three beds there for beam napping  while we wait for this thing to be built. It was supposed to have been built this weekend but we had that blasted storm.

We are on the same ledge. Progress.


Forever Foster said...

Goldie, you always make our mum smile when she visits. 'Mancat bits deep', snigger snigger:)
It's great to see you and Banshee making progress.

Anonymous said...

We do not blame you for choosing the litter box that snowy day, Goldie! You and Banshee will be snuggling before you can poof your tail, just you wait and see!

Teddy Westlife said...

I would not have gone out in the snow either. My belly would get cold! It is good that you are getting along with Banshee a bit more. You're stuck together, you know that, don't you?

Huffle Mawson

Parker said...

You're gonna' love the tree! Trust me, but play hard to please first, it's fun to mess with their heads!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! That's a lot of snow there! We wudda chose the litter box too...but then again, we always do! hehehe! We think that your window structure is gonna be pawsome!

Mickey's Musings said...

Yup,that snow is deep enough to get buried in!! I look forward to seeing your lounger!! I would like one too :) Your window seat is really cool too!
Purrs Mickey

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Don't blame you one bit for not wanting to go out in that white stuff! Yes, progress! It's a start.

Chrissie said...

You are one brave ManCat, Goldie, for even thinkin' about goin' out in the snow..I wouldn't be danglin' MY manly bits over anythin' too cold or too hot!

Tybalt said...

Wow! You are getting your own indoor tree thing? You lucky cats!


Goldie I would chose the litter box too ... I have never seen snow and I am not sure what I would do if I did see it...


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Brrrrrr! That looks seriously cold (and inconvenient)! We don't blame you for staying in!

Your Pals,
Sen-Chan, Tom and Tama-Chan

MaoMao said...

Brrr, that snow looks furry chilliferous! And that's great you and Banshee are onna ledge togethur. That's deffinitely progress!

Brainball sends a high paw to his soul brutha!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Cat with a Garden said...

That is a LOT of snow. You would have disappeared completely, Goldie. Hihi, I come like a dawg too when my mom calls me. How cool that you're getting a new cat furniture. Do show pics of the result. Always got to keep 'em working, that's my motto, too. ;)
You look nice with Banshee!
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

Oh guys!!! How cool is that?! It is so pretty! and those little tracks right by your door, maybee the critter wanted to come inside too coz it was so horribubble out!
I can not wait to see your tree!
You guys sure do have such a very puuretty view!! :))
Keep warm my fuuriends! :)


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Brrr that's a lot of snow. We wouldn't venture out either. Maybe you and Banshee will end up snuggling on cold winter days.

Tesla and Hansel said...

wow banshee iz finally comin round! (shhh dun tell mommeh but while she types fur meh, i am nomin on her desk calendar while sittin on her laps...) yoor own tree fing! hurrahs!

AN so much snow! yoo cud build quite the snowbean! mommeh saz, she mus git me meh own harness sumtim so i dun haffa use da pink one. How barrassin. -hansel

Whimpurr said...

Oh, SNOW! I am so jealous! We can't wait to see your new lounger too!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, we cant wait fer ya ta get a kittie tree thing. Ee love ours.

Sweet Purrfections said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to go out in that snow mountain! Stay warm inside and let the bean clean out the litter box!

Cory said...

I wouldn't go out in the snow either, but I would sure love to sit and look at it on your wonderful window seat! What a great place to hang out...even if you do have to share it!

Quill and Greyson said...

A special cat tree, boy that sounds swell. Beware of the yellow snow.

Tiggie FOC said...

This snow stuff: Saw it once from my cat tree out the window. It looked soft. No wonder you like to whiz in it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, there are lots of snow. Mmmm I think you have much more snow than here. I also use the litterbox by those lots of snow but Luzie did not.
She found a great corner outside under a pine tree.There is no snow. and she use the other pine tree to nap under. She is a very brave cat.


Everycat said...

All that snow! Goldie you are bonkers to even try to go out in snow that deep. Your tail would be like a periscope! This cat tree in the window sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see pictures!

Whicky Wuudler

© 2008 Sumac Stories by Goldie, Shade & Banshee - 3 Canadian Cats