Goldie and Shade like to have room to sprawl when they lay down. They like a made bed as opposed to an unmade bed, a clear spot in which to nestle.
I, on the other hand, like to lay in seemingly uncomfortable contortions wrapped or lounging over pieces of furniture.
I really enjoy chair rungs. I have fallen asleep over these.
Clutter doesn't bother me in the least.
So or you a "room to stretch" kitty or like me, like it a little cramped?
P B & J
3 hours ago
You look so cute! Is that comfortable?
You do look sweet Banshee. I, Flynn, like to sleep on the bed before it is made and I like to stretch as long as I can,
I, Eric, only sleep on the bed when the Beans are in it. Wherever I sleep, I like to curl myself up as small as possible.
Banshee, you are a ladycat after my own heart! I love to wedge myself into funny shapes and in odd spaces. Comfort can be found in the strangest of places:)
I am a sprawler - but Rudy is just like you!
You are always full of surprise, Banshee! I personally am more of a tidy space girl.
your littel face is so beautiful and you ar so cute So come over i got samthing fur u all
Banshee you are a character!!! Most of us like to curl up in small spaces or in a pile of blankies, but Ginger is the only one who seems to sprawl.
Those spots don't look very comfy Banshee! I am definitely a room to stretch kitty! Even when my mom is holding me I like to stretch out in her arms!
Hi Banshee. You look very cute wrapped around the chair rungs and tucked into your little clutter corner. Louie and Fuzzy both like room to sleep, even when they curl up small. Sylvie's favorite spot is on a kitchen chair...she feels safe there under the table, and it's a little cozy. Gingy is a lot like you...she squishes herself into small boxes surrounded by clutter (although she's taken to sleeping on the foot of the bed...where she usually sleeps curled up rather than sprawled out).
Well, Thomas likes to stretch out on a neat surface (usually a bed or the back of a sofa). Phoebe prefers to curl up on a neat surface (usually Crazy Lady's "good" chairs in the living room!!) Trixie likes to curl up on TRASH!!! The more, the better! She especially likes to sleep on things that crackle and make noise (like plastic bags). Banshee, Trixie would probably like the chair legs that you sleep on!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Banshee, I know I have said this before, but I just love your cute little face. In the 3rd photo, it looks like you are wearing white lipstick!
I like to curl up on a neat surface and would only go into a cramped place for a little while but you do look cute under that chair.
I purrfur, nice nice comfy softie bankies! -hansel
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Your clutter looks like my clutter! Don't you just love it?
I'm a sprawler!
We love beds an chairs. Iza will sleep on lumpy toys...
LC and Ayla
We made a post to answer this question! And now we feel very sleepy... zzzzz...zzzz....zzzzz.....
Banshee, you have a very expressive face!
I like to sleep cramped and stretched out....depends on my mood.
Hi Banshee--
I think you must feel secure with "stuff" around you--it's sort of like you make a "portable cave" wherever you are. You are very clever!
Oh my first thank you forvisiting my blog I love visitors. Then wow you are a lot like me. We would look so good together. I went quite weak at the knees when I saw you. My mum went all gooey and said hey Jasper look at this lady Jasper.
Please visit me again and I have added you to my lst so will drop by and see you.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
hahah Banshee you is just the funniest, sassiest kitteh!
How could sleeping on a chair rung every be comfy is way beyond me.. but it is also cool that you are so different. Different is unique and unique.. well we don't have enoughs of that around lately! :))
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