OK friends. Try to act real casual like when reading this post. All natural.
The PM is busy planning the veg and flowers gardens. Catalogues strewn all over the kitchen table. I always lend a paw, pressing pages open for her, licking her hand while she writes, you know, just saying "I love you".
I started reading a page I was pressing and I saw this!
HOLY CROW!!!!!!!!!! I thought I must be dreaming. Succulent hens and chicks. Seeds for Chick-Hen in the garden.
I read the description and they seem a tad colourful but I am liking the fleshy part!!!
I am thinking of dropping some hints over the weekend so the PM includes these seeds in the order. I might even get the wee ones in on it. She's lets them plan part of the garden. You should do some page pressing too this weekend! We could have fields of fowl come August, my friends!!!
OK, don't get too excited though. Put your serious face on like me.
Good. Good. Our little secret.
P B & J
1 hour ago
Succulent hens and chickens!!! We gotta get some of those seeds! "Fields of fowl,"....... what a dream come true! Best of luck getting the PM to include those in the order!
*whispers* that's a great find, Goldie. They sure look pretty, we bet super yummy birds will come out of those plants.
Wow! We didn't know you could grow chick-hens! We gotta get some of those seeds too!
That sounds great, Goldie! The picture however looks cunningly like something mom has in one of her pots and I have to report that they are not even fun whapping. They don't run, you know.
Maybe ours are already hens...
Purrs, Siena
Whoa....Jonesie is reading this and she is stunned. She had no idea she could grow chick-hens!!! We'll be investigating because I love chick-hen!!!!
"Darn it" I live in the city so no garden. A field of fowl sounds so yummy :)
Just remember not to lay right ON the important words or pictures. Just place a paw right beside them. If you cover it up, the silly human will never get the idea!!
Abby & Stygia
Dear Goldie,
I hate to be a buzzkill, but we have those at our house. They don't cluck, they don't have feathers and the only thing they are good for is whapping...
Whoever named them needs to be sued for false representation!
Do you get our seeds and bulbs from Vesseys? Our #1 loves going to their big gardening centre when she's on the Island!
Your Pals,
Tom, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Hi Goldie. Succulent chick-hens sound delicious, but we don't see any pretty feathers there to play with?? Don't forget to point out the catnip plants to the PM!
Goldie, you are our hero. We had no idea you could grow succulent hens and chick-hen right in your own yard. We will have to find a catalog like that.
Eureka! I am going to try to grow a succulent Purple Chick-hen!
But $6.75 for 1/128 oz. might be over my budget.
Wow! Chick-hen plants. We want some as well.
Chick-hen plants? It sounds too good to be true!
Fleshy AND succulent Chick-Hens! Sweet day in the morning!! MOM!!
We have GOT ro convince our mommy to buy some chicken seeds. Does that catalog have tuna seeds too?
Ya can GROW chickens from seeds? Oh Bast, we gotta get those seeds...
Ok, I'm lookin' all nonchalant.
But WOW! :)
Nothing like seed & plant catalogs! Tiger & GK would love to grow some chicks & hens in the backyard!
Oh boy those do sound good but why do they looks like? Me is not sures I would want to try to eat those but if it tastes likes chicken then that would be purrfect!
Hens and chickens???? Wowie kazowie! Momma and Daddy have a garden, too, and I'm gonna hafta tell 'em about them hens and chicken seedies. Or do we just plant eggs inna ground instead???
yummyyummyyummy hens and chickens are way bettur than kabbage!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
OH Goldie! We is having a mega hard timekeeping our excitements at bay... holy cow a whole garden full?!?!?
For the greater good this will remain our kitty secrets :)))
Oups, Goldie, that sounds funny red and purple hens and chickens growing in your garden. Great!!
Pssst,our Mom planted last year a plant with the name cat pawsies...it sounds strange but it was only a small plant with tiny pink flowers looking like cat paws....
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Well allrighty den!!! We gots da gardun bug too. But I didn't see any chix & henz aroundz here. You are goin' to be sooper lucky. All we iz gonna haz iz veggy dis & veggy dat... but I didz oevfur here da momee talkin' abouts da free range henz. FREE?????? WHoooooopeee! (I yam afraidz I doez not haz your poker face.)
I hopes you haz a wunderful Sunday. Tank you so much fur purrin' fur Auntie Stinkie. She iz reecovefurrin' & slowly gettin' back to her selfee, altho' dis mornin' she didz not takes her pillZ.
Dr Tweety
Fowls?! I wants one! mai i haz sums?
as to yoor ques-shun, me iz not corralled, da woofie iz. I can jump offur da 'gates' hahahahhaha. stoopid woofie.
ROTFM! This was our biggest laugh of the day! Fleshy, succulent...no wonder you were so tempted! There is a very pretty wildflower that grows in Oregon where Teri used to live, called an Elegant Cats Ear. It's soft and fuzzy like ours are!
is the PM going to plant you some cat mint this year? I think I remember that from last year?
Looks like a great idea for planting to me!
Oh my gosh! We can grow our own succulent hens and chicks? We definitely need to get some of those magic seeds.
Wow, what a discovery! Who knew you could plant hens and chickens?
Dear Goldie. Thank you so much for sharing. We have to try and find a way to make our Humans get some of those. Fleshy hens and chickens... that would be great in our garden!
Cliff & Olivia
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