We have been gone waaay too long and this is only a quick post. The PM is at the root of this lack of blogging. She is to blame! On the Christmas break, she had to work on homeschooling lessons and finalize a Math curriculum. Easy Peasy I thought. Well, it stormed for a week, rain and snow, which caused us to lose our internet. Our "higher" speed internet is a satellite dish so it was affected the weather. It would come on for 15 minutes then be off for hours. Finally the weather calmed down and we had another bout of frozen keyboard. When the PM finally got online to do some research she was overwhelmed with all the info out there. Hundreds of homeschooling blogs, just as many curriculum. She isn't even finished yet and has two books to read on teaching math. The eye twitch is back, not pretty.
Real fun around here let me tell you.
So we aren't able to blog the rest of the week but we will try to visit all our friends. Don't tell anyone but we still have our Christmas decorations up.
Now onto us. This is what we've been doing so far this year.
Watching the weather and snuggling.
Remember to move position every hour to avoid cramping.
Wordless Wednesday
39 minutes ago
You guys know how to make the most out of cold weather. Love the snuggling pics!
We hate the eye twitch around here.
You two are so sweet together. What a long way you've come!
OMC!! Is that a Banshee belly I see? I think that's the first time I've seen it! Has Banshee been taking lessons from my sister Ginger?
Actually, we still have our decorations up too!
Beautiful scenery and we love the snuggle pics!
With weather like that it is always important to snuggle up and stay warm!
Brrrr! It looks so cold outside! Glad you are on the inside snuggling. Stay warm.
Wow, that sure looks like bad weather! Hope your mom gets some sanity soon! We know our mom gets loaded down at times...it's ok, it's a beans problem, as long as us cats are taken care of...
Wow! Seems very cold!
Keep warm :)
Sounds like things have been a little rough at the edge of the meadow. Hope everything has calmed down and the eye twitch goes away.
We want to use Banshee's belly as a pillow!
All that snow means lots of snuggling!
Humans, so difficult to train. Don't we know.
Looks like you started the year in good fashion.
Looks like you guys are snowed in!! Enjoy your snugglin' time!
It's like a snowy wonderland! So beautiful! It makes staying inside and snuggling all the better. You two look so cute doing just that!
Mama says your PM rocks for doing homeschooling. She just hopes the eye twitch goes away soon.
You are not alone .... we've been slacking too! See you soon!
Yep, you're not alone at all. I've been sleeping, too. A lot. And Treater...well, she's been pretty much worthless. :)
Wow! You've got one busy family! Just visit us when you get time, furriend:)
Grrrrreat work on shifting to reduce khramping!
The snow looks sooooo pawesome!
The scene from your window is beautiful. We would nap too though with all that snow. We hope PM's eye twitch goes soon and she can slow up a bit.
Great pictures.
I don't know much info about home schooling, but my mom is a former math teacher and professor.
Mommy is hosting the Carnival of Homeschooling tomorrow on her homeschool blog http://alasandras.blogspot.com/
and we are helping her. She is calling it the Dog & Cat edition. If your Mom wants she can email our Mom alasandra (at)cableone (dot) net
Our boy beans are in college now so we guesses she did OK with homeschooling.
Mommy is hosting the Carnival of Homeschooling tomorrow on her homeschool blog http://alasandras.blogspot.com/
and we are helping her. She is calling it the Dog & Cat edition. If your Mom wants she can email our Mom alasandra (at)cableone (dot) net
Our boy beans are in college now so we guesses she did OK with homeschooling.
Oh it looks furry cold there. You have much more snow . You both looks very cozy on the windowsill. Love your view so much.
To PM, I hope your internet is doing better.I didn´t know that you are homeschooling. It is not allowed in Germany and the little one is in elementary school. I´m a board member there and know about how much work is to do the curriculum ( I do Religious instruction and Art)for 4 age-groups.I think math is much more work.
purrs and hugs
Anytime Mommy even thinks about math she gets twitchy!!!
My mom homeschools the SK's and her right eye twitches, too! What's with that?
You sure have a winter wonderland at your house..If I were there, I'm not sure I could be bothered to wake until Spring!
You kitties look lovely together. Hope things get better for your Mom.
That snuggling looks quite comfy! We understand the 'busy', The Mommy has been slacking on helping us visit our friends for awhile now... *sigh*
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
The weather does look horrible there. Glad you two have such a nice warm place to snuggle. Hope your mom gets all her chores done so you can come back and visit some more.
That's a very good tip about moving once an hour to avoid cramping!
We miss you guys!
Yep, looks like very good stay-indoors-and-snooze weather to me! Such a lot of work and preparation for the PM, I'm amazed she has time to blog at all. Our Christmas decorations are still up and are likely to remain so for at least another week and a half! But don't feel bad -- we were out selling GS cookies in our neighborhood the other day and I noticed that more than half of the houses we called on still had their trees up. It made me feel better! Stay warm!
I love that last picture of you Banshee! Stay warm kitties.
Glad to hear your okay cute snuggle photos...Hugs
Dudes,with weather like that it is important to snuggle up and stay warm! It so cold outside!
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