Hi furriends! Things have been crazy busy over here at the Casa De Sumac.
The new computer is up and running but it now has two computers on it, the old and the new and the MM has to make it into one. Some things work in one part but not the other and the PM is confused. Also the photo program is different and the PM can't figure it out as quickly. Our internet is also acting up, slowing down to a turtle's pace for hours or shutting down. We've been waiting for over a week for it to be looked at.
They are painting the outside of the house now too and it is not pretty. The weather is not cooperating so this may end up being a Summer long project. The MM had the last 12 days off but they could only paint three of the days.
Needless to say, the folks have been a tad stressed but us felines are fine, relaxing the days away.

Goldie has been showing some signs of stress though.

Hope you all are having a relaxing Summer so far!!
We hope your summer gets better and Goldie can play with some of those bubbles!
Stress is NO GOOD. We hope things smooth out soon.
Maybe you could teach the humans some relaxing techniques, Shade!
Stress is really bad. Hope you can find some way to relax like we kitties do. Take a break and give the kitties a hug.
Have a fine day.
The weather hasn't been cooperating here, either, for outdoor projects. Not during June! Good luck to your humans with the painting and the computer!
Don't stress out Goldie...just drag out some of those disco-nips and play the day away. It's what we were born to do.
We your computer gets sorted out soon for you - when they aren't right they become a pain in the bum.
Have a soothing sleep and wake up refreshed.
We hope things will slow down for all of you soon!
Hope things mellow out for you all soon. It's been a rainy Summer in some parts of the country, that's for sure. Not good for painting the outside of the house.
We hope things get better.
We also have had innernet problems and computer problems. They are only half resolved. So we understand how your MM feels. We can only use the wireless computers in our house right now.
Our Daddy is painting the outside of the house (with a little help) from Mom. We also have to have a new roof put on. Momma is telling us that there will be lots of noise when that happens. I don't think we are gonna like that.
Hope Goldie feels better.
Blowing bubbles is a sure fire way to de-stress! Goldie where did you get all those bubble wands? Our mom gets us nip-bubble occasionally and they are fun to chase...though not as good as real nip.
Hope your people house painting doesn't take all summer. Here it's monsoon season.
Sounds like you are getting all the rain we usually get. We hope you can soon get the painting finished.
Yes, maybe you should all join in a bubblefest -- kitties and beans alike! Great for all that stress.
Goldie's got the right idea for sure.
Good luck with the home projects.
I've had computer problems also. Just shoot me. At least you guys know how to relax. Breathe!
Paws khrossed fur things to start purring well soon!
"When in danger
Or in doubt
Run in circles
Scream and shout...
Or in your case, play wif all those toys... Nothin bad can happen iffen ya are playin wif toys.
I hate changing things on my computer, but it needs to be done sometimes. I hope your problems get sorted out soon. I think Goldie has the right idea. Take some time out and blow bubbles.
Happy Canada Day!
You might want to take a look at the LOLSpot because I included your kitties in my Canada Day post called "Canada Day Catriotism".
New comphooterz are a trial buts I tinks you all look justee fine.
We iz justee figgurin' dats we're gonna has to hide under da bed fur da next two dayz cuz of da bad boomz around us.
Silly nayborz do nots tink about kitteez on da 4th.
Do you haz dat problem too?
Sorry to hear about your computer problems and den da lousy weather on top of that. We hopes things improve very soon. July is here already, did you have a good Canada Day?
Oh dear, computer problems are such a nuisance. Hope yours get solved soon.
Thanks for coming around and leaving your purrs when I was injured. I am almost back to normal now, not quite climbing trees and roof tops yet, but I am getting there.
Napping is truly the best way to get rid of stress.
I'm glad you are setting such a good example of how to relax and de-stress!
Stress stinks I hope things get better and you all can relax.
I given Goldie an award please go to my blog and see....Hugs
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