The PM was going on about a wonderful soap she had bought while they were all away a couple of weeks ago. She says it is the best soap she has ever tried, she loves it, loves it, loves it. I think WOW that must be some pretty bar of soap. Then I find out she spent $10, yes TEN green papers on it. Who spends that kind of money on a flippin bar of soap????
I thought I better take a look at this soap from the gods. I was expecting to see flower petals, shimmering sparkles and maybe even slivers of a real rainbow.
No, this is it.
Gross is all I can think of. She actually puts this thing on her poor skin AND she likes it.
I think she can give me ten green papers and I'll buy a case of soap from Costco. I'll tie one on a string and drag it through the garden, up the trees, over the ant hills and around the mouse corpses. They will look similar to that and that $10 would give her a year of soap.
The mouse parts and thistle bits would be excellent exfoliants.
11 hours ago
I just don't get humans. I think soap is yukky in the first place and then to pay money for it???
sheesh - and then they'll say they doesn't haf enuf money for the sheba or fancy feast!
That looks like a funny soap. But the PM didn't try to wash you with it?
Mommie wansa noes wat kinna soap dat iz. She lyks all dat han-mayd spensiv soaps too. Me, I donna lyk soap or waters at all. I donna evan lyk sniffin Mommies hans afer she uzes soaps. It's gwoss.
I really think you have a winner of an idea there! I bet beans would pay MORE than $10 for your naturified soap . . . not everyone can claim they have thistles and dead mousies in their product, after all!
That's soap? We are glad we aren't washed with soap that looks like that!
We think your idea is fabulous, Goldie.
That soap looks like something I'll nom!
I agrees wif yoo!
Does it at least smell good? I can think of a lot of other things that $10 can buy.
I'll bet it smells delicious! At first I almost thought it was a piece of cake.
Now, if she was spending lots of green papers on something for YOU, I could understand it, but $10 for soap that looks like a piece of cheese?
Forget it Goldie!!!! You will NEVER understand beans!!Mom only buys stuff that smells nice.Who cares if it actually cleans anything!!!!!!! (as long as she never cleans me!)
Go back to your nap :)
Purrs Mickey
Wowie, that's a funny lookin piece of soap! It looks like a piece of chocolate cake, hehehe. and that's a great pickshure of you, Goldie! Brainball thinks he's lookin inna mirror!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
u dont neet no sope just a kiss on the cute nose tell your bean mom thanks for the kind words and her help i will stop my from time to time to see how u ar doing
Wow, that's the most unusual soap I've ever seen! I'm glad we kitties don't have to use soap like humans do, *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
My mom pays too many green papers for weird-looking and smelling bars of soaps, too! Baths are one of her favorite things!
She says that looks like a good soap.
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