Our computer is broken. no keyboard. The PM is cut and pasteing this from Our blog. it is eight years old . She hopes it will be just getting a new keyboard.
Tama-Chan Tuesday
6 hours ago
Our computer is broken. no keyboard. The PM is cut and pasteing this from Our blog. it is eight years old . She hopes it will be just getting a new keyboard.
Big huge bummer! We hope all it needs is a new keyboard!
Oh no! We hope it can soon be fixed.
I sure hope you get it fixed soon. Lets hope it is something easily fixed.
Hugs GJ xx
We hopes it gets fixed soon. Daddy says it's a miracle ours still works cause when he cleans them he finds a ton of cat hair in them. ~S,S,C & F
Hope it all gets fixed up easy!
I bet it is from all of woo laying all ovFUR it!
PeeEssWoo: My mom is twitching just THINKING about it!
Crap! Mom's laptop died last week!
Oh no! We hope there is an easy fix for it. We missed you while you were away, you can't disappear again now!
Hope it gets fixed soon! Maybe you had too many furs stuck in the keyboard?
Oh no! I hope replacing the keyboard is the fix!
We will be purring for an easy fix!!!!!
i hope it is just the keyboard! it stinks when the computer is down. we love your tweet week posts.
oh no! we are mad tooo!
"Darn" now I'm annoyed hope it gets fixed soon...Hugs
We hate when computer stuff gets screwed up!! Our mom gets all tense and bad words come out of her mouth when that happens.
Hope things can get fixed without lots of moneys being spent!
We are so sorry your keyboard broked. We miss you!
Too bad, hope it is fixed soon.
Our mewmie says she's just glad when her computer comes on in the morning. If it needed anything new, she'd have to have someone fix it for her, she doesn't know anything about drivers and software, HaHaMeow. We like the sound of that, software...
I hope that getting a new keyboard will fix up your computer. A broken computer is a real pain.
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