The ever witty Fin has decided that this should be Tweet Week, celebrating everything feathery.
We thought we had nothing to share then something very tweetly happened. We interrupt our summer round up posts for a couple of birdie specials.
As some of you may remember, our chimney and woodstove are a very popular Fall vacation destination for our winged friends. The first guest of the season arrived unannounced. How rude!
Banshee, as usual, is the welcoming party.
I join in, wondering what all the fuss is about.
Of course we were not expecting any visitors and the hearth is a disaster and the stove is full of scrap paper awaiting the first fire to scare away the frost. I don't think this was the nest that the bird was expecting.
Our normal routine is the PM shuts all the blinds, blocks off the stairs and the kitchen then fixes the door wide open. She then opens the stove and the crazy bird flies out, through the livingroom, into the entry and out the door. Piece of cake.
Well, with new windows came new blinds. The PM opted for simple light filtering bamboo ones. Not the best choice when facing a bird evacuation.
The crazy bird went no where near the door and got itself trapped between the blinds and the window.
Finally the PM decided to open up a window and take out the screen. She and the wee ones then corralled the bird and it made it to the opening.
Too bad. I bet I could have showed it a real good time.
P B & J
2 hours ago
And she didn't even let you chase it? That's no fun!
Whoa! That's an awesome find in your very own house!
That reminds my mom of a story that is legendary around here. Long before I was born. Morgan, the grand poohbess of all was sitting at the fireplace all curious. Turns out a squirrel came down the chimney because mom forgot to close the flue and it was stuck behind the glass doors. When they tried to let it out it ran crazy around the house, up and down the curtains until at last it saw the front door was wide open. The squirrel dashed out the door and up a tree, where it proceeded to chatter up a storm (mom says it was swearing).
I tend to let the neighbourhood khats have the tweets -
It did make Mom said the other week when Butterskhotch Morsel got a wee woodpekhker - Mom khlosed her eyes and let her have it fur Mom khouldn't help the tweet -
wow. what a story. i bet that tweet went and told all his friends some bad stories about bamboo now . they must hate it overseas where everythings bamboo. lol. glad tweety got away for his sake. cats are awesome for finding things days before we ever would. ours just found a house mouse for us. tried totell us for days.
Now THAT was a great Tweet Week event! News happening right at the moment and photos taken by professionals just like on CNN!
Wow, a real birdie in your exciting is that.
We had once a real mouse in our house. Mom rescued it because she don´t want a mess in the house
That is truly exciting. We would love a real birdie in our house. FAZ
#1 says she remembers a couple of occasions when a bird fell down into the wood stove and then she had to chase it out of the cottage without Ikkyu getting old of it... Sheer madness!
If I were you I will be very crazy about that birdy!
How exciting! We have never had fev-vers come down the chimney, but in the Spring when the swallows are looking for places to build their nests, they often come in the open door and try to get out the closed window. That is exciting too.
Birds are stupid. But tasty!
Huffle Mawson
Don't you just hate it when dinner delivers itself and it gets loose?
You need to figure out how to open the stove yourselves. Imagine how much fun you could have then!
We wish some birdie would come visit us...we'd have a lot of fun! Hehehe!
What an adventure in your OWN home! Glad the humans got it all on film! I know you're bummed your didn't get to 'help".....
Yay for your wonderful mom helping out the lost birdie. Silly birds!!
Such a silly bird! We're glad your Mom let it out, but oh, what a great friend he would have made to you kitties!
That's one silly delicious birdie :)
Great story about the birdie rescue!
Our mom has a friend who lives at a fifth storey. Although his condo is in the middle of the city it's balcony faces a wild patch of land with many birds. There are swallows who fly their mad loops about 2 metres aways of the humans noses at early evening time. One day one of them flew right into the balcony door and dissapeared into the rest of the appartement. The humans were so astounded, but before they even got up their chairs the swallow came back and flew outside. It sort of just toured the appartement. The humans faces must have been priceless, we're sorry we missed it!
Birds. They are not very smart.
Wow, that was quite the adventure with the feathered one! Glad it finally got outside again, though.
The cats must have gone crazy!
I agree with Daisy that birds aren't smart -- that's cause they have birdbrains!
Oh, Oh, OH, can we please have an indoor birdie? That would keep us ecited an busy for HOURS!
Chasin a birdie where it couldnt get away would be just "fall-over-thud-wif-pleasure"!
could never imagine that anyone else could show a time like you can!
your bean is good bean by not leting u baby play wif live fefus Beautiful photos
That was cool! Meowm says she has had some birdies in this house before, but it hasn't happened since we have been here......darnit!
Meowmy says it looks like a starling. We say it looks like lunch! Meowmy says the p.m. was a good person to rescue the bird from the stove. We think you guys could have done a more complete job!
In our farm, is very common birds were trapped
Thank you for visiting our blog =)
I think he just wanted to star in Tweet Week. He is pretty, er, tasty! Thanks for play x2!
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