I thought I should show you all what all the fuss was over the summer. While we had to go to the city for all those weeks! We had all new windows put in. I can't tell you how wonderful they are. Really nice to be able to open anyone you wish. Most of our old ones were painted shut!
The new moulding had to be sanded and varnished so the PM and the Music Man decided to sand and revarnish all the ledges too as they were in bad shape. I guess that was a real pain in the rump and caused a lot of mess. It took them about three weeks to do it but I am sooo happy now that they did.
The ledges got rearranged and us cats now have a roost in all of them!!!
Our bird watching chair.
We also got two new cat (really dawg) beds as the PM felt bad that she had forgot, yes FORGOT, my Gotcha Day in August.

Complete comfort with a great view! Who could ask for more?
I just can say, MARVELOUS!
Your ledges are simply wonderful! What fantastic vantage points you have:)
Fabulous windows and wonderfully wide ledges. Purrfect for kittehs!
What a great spot to watch everything going on outside...and take a nap as well!
I have to say that the fuss WAS worth it! Those views muct be wonderful! I am glad that the beds are all comfy and placed in prime location!
I think paws down, you've got the best window ledge in all the CB! It looks amazing.
I'm thinking it's big enough to host a party! You can get a whole lotta kitties on that ledge.
Wowie, wow, wow. What more can we say? Perfect ledges. Excellent beds. Great view. Congratulations.
Wow, that definitely was worth the trouble! You kitties really have it made now!
what wonderful ledges and window views! your parental units worked really hard, but we can see that it was really worth it!
What great ledges, lucky kitties!
How exciting to have new windows and great views! We have places to sit on our window seat too. Your new lookout ledge is pawsome!
Wow! So shiny! It's a feline (and human) paradise. Totally worth it.
~Lisa Co9T
Everything looks wonderful. The ledges are great for all kinds of cat purposes. You are so kind to allow plants on them, we don't.
Nice ledges! I bet you guys love em lots!
Oh Wowser! What an awesome window! Love the beds!
What a fabulous ledge you all have to look outside on!!! We are quite fond that there's even beds put there for your viewing pleasure!!!
Ooo, I think we need window seats like that at our place too... please send your humans over to make for us! heehee!
The windows are spectacular but the window seats...OHG they are super fantastic!
Your humans must love you very much to do that much work sanding around all the window sills!
Everything looks new and pretty. Your humans did a great job!
We love all your comfortable and cozy window places! We want those too!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Oooooooooooooooo wish we had some ledges like that!!!
What a fantastic job your folks did on those windows. The mom here says that is a lot of work. But oh how beautiful the ledges look.
It is nice that you all have beds in the windows and can enjoy looking out at all.
I guess that might make up for missing your Gotchaya day.
They look beaWOOtiful!
I bet I'd like to khurl up there myself!
What a great remodeling job! We love your view, by the way:)
How nice of them to do windows that have enough space for the kitties to sit and watch the world outside.
WOW!!! Nice windows!!! I really like the ledges too. They are bigger than ours :) Bet it is nice and cozy now too !!!
I hope the girls had fun at Miss Peach's bridal party!!
Goldie!! I am having my bachelor party Friday. I hope you can come and have some fun!!!
See ya, Mickey
They look lovely and roomy!
Oh, so fancy and big. I'm jealous.
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