The PM had the best chair in the house.

She recently went to a wool farm and came home with a big bag of mixed fleece for felting.

Some of the wool was not carded, just dyed so she was going through it, brushing it and picking the little pieces of straw out.

I had been watching by the stairs. She looked so comfortable and warm sitting in the lovely sunbeams. She got up to change the channel on the radio and I acted quick.
"What? You were still sitting here?"
I waited.
Would she move me or not?
Of course not.
She went to the other, sunless chair.
Thanks PM! She remembers a plaque her Grammie had on the wall.
If you want the best seat in the house, you'll have to move the cat.
I guess she didn't want it that bad.
You are one smoothe mover, Shade. And your furs look so beautiful in the sunbeams:)
Aren't PM's awesome? I'm glad you got to enjoy the sumbeam!
Choupette is just like you Shade, as soon as I leave my sewing chair, she jumps on it, and hisses when I want it back. It is not in the sun, but in the beam of light from the sewing machine :-)
That's a great saying! So true, so true!
That saying is so true Shade! We get all the good spots/chairs. Mom will sometimes move us but dad feels bad about it and will always go sit somewhere else.
Lols, thats was so smarts, the best seats do belongs to us's!
Haha! We love it...the PM HAD the best chair in the house! Now you HAVE it!
You totally deserved that bean. And clearly your hoomins knows this.
That is some kewl wool!!! And you TOTALLY deserve the Beams!!!
You have a very, very nice PM, Shade!
#1 is wondering whether she has ever gone to the Belfast mini mill on the Island?
Mommys are the best!
Yup! And that's why with nine cats, I eat my breakfast standing up. Hmmmmmm...
~Lisa Co9T
We who are wise enough to live with cats, know that they are worth losing a seat over. Besides, cats are solar powered.
I enjoyed reading your blog.
Great move, Shade! I like to take up the place where mom sat too.
Purrs, Chilli
P.S.: Mom says the wool looks good! Nice colours! She has been having problems with the fleece she ordered, it still hasn't arrived. Sigh.
Kitties should get the best seats. We like the two comfy recliners and our Beans often have to make do with the old settee or the floor.
Way ta go SHADE! MOL!
We love the Grammas Plaque too. So true...
Right on Shade! Your mama must know it's the first rule of owning a cat -- thou shalt not move a napping kitty.
It's kind of ironic that Shade was soaking up the sun!
Pretty wools to use. I agree, we get the best seat in the house.
Maybe your Mom can felt you a blankie or sweater. If she felt like it, that is. Hee Hee!
Thanks for coming to visit us from Poppy Q's today. We love the story of all the cats getting a home. We got our home after our last human took us to the vet to be put down cuz she didn't want us anymore. What! Our new mom would never do such a thing.
you look so comfy in this chair ^^
You are so smart Shade!!
This was a very good post because I love sunshine and wool too. FAZ
Funny, I thought the khanines had the best seats in the house!
The PM is a class act!
Hi Shade. Looks like the PM is working on a very interesting project. You might want to help knead the wool fibers into shape for her, too! You have a very good PM to give up her sunny chair to you.
That yarn looks really neat!!! Mom thinks it's cool.We think it looks fun :)
Mickey likes to steal Mom nice ,cozy computer chair. Mom has to sit on the cold,hard wooden chair!! hahaha
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Great idea to take the warm and sunny chair, hehehe.
Here it is raining all the day sunbeams..
The color of the felting wool looks wonderful. We are curious what that will be.
Luna, Luzie and Olli
I don't see how your mum would dare move you Shade!
Wow, Shade, you are quick! Monger used to glare at Dad Bean until he moved from a seat that Monger coveted and thought was rightfully his. What is felting? Looks like a soothing activity. I want to take up some kind of hand work.
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