The PM spent the weekend making reversible placemats for The Nanny. It is the last project she had to do for Christmas. She started right after breakfast, ironing all the fabric. She ironed on a towel at the kitchen table so she could go quickly. But of course, you can't expect to go too quick around here.
I was upstairs and came down like a heat seeking missile, jumping right up.

It was so warm and cosy.

Of course Banshee had to join me, she hates to be left out.

Last night when they were all finished, ready to wrap, Banshee gave them one last pressing and furrifying. The Nanny can't expect a fur free gift can she?
woooo hooo we're first!
What's a gift without the hair? no gift at all we say!
Those placemats are really nice! Of course the fur helps to give them even more character!
Lucky nanny to get properly furred placemats!
Good job snoopervising the making of the placemats! The Nanny should really like them...'specially since you gave her some fur as extra!
What pretty placemats.
We loves Mommy's heated throw. She says she never gets to use it as there is always a cat on it. ~Socks
MOL! You guys are such a big help!!! The placemats look fabulous!
Now, who would want a fur free gift? I'm sure even the gifts from Santa have a bit of reindeer fur on them.
Cat hair is the gift that keeps on giving.
Oh Mom says the PM did a pawsome job.
Everyone knows that cat hair is the best part of any gift!
It's furry pretty and what's a gift without cat fur on it?!?
Heat seeking missle cats! Looks cozy. Unexpected hot spots are the best.
Fur-free gifts. Hahaha. No way.
We are so glad that you kitties helped with the construction of the place mats. That makes them very special. We would do the same thing and just get fur all over them.
We say leaving furs on gifts just means you put your stamp of love on them.
About the same around my house. Everything must have the floof test!
Those are beautiful placemats!! My mama is very impressed. I'm impressed with the two of you leaving your furs on them. :)
Those are pretty placemats. No gift should come without ready added fur.
No gift is truly from our hearts without a little fur on top!
Got your comment on our woodstoves being alike...I checked ours and it's a Napoleon. We got it last year...we love it (as much as the kitties)!
~Lisa Co9T
We're sure Nanny would be very disappointed if there were no fur on them! Very nice placemats! You were both a big help!
I'm pretty sure your mum put them there just for you.
If there wasn't fur, I don't think she would have believed they khame from woo!
It's the fur that makes it special!
A heat seeking missile, hahahahaha! Mom says she knows what the PM is talking about. The stuff you get from us has fur all over it too.
Banshee, we love your calico colours!
Those are really beautiful placemats. And Meowmy was laughing because we love to help her the same way. She made cat mats to sell at a craft fair and each of them was carefully pre-furred by at least one of us!
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