This was supposed to have been up yesterday but the PM had the wee ones in town for the last couple of days and they only got back late last night. I didn't give her too hard of a time but I did point out that Blogger does have the "scheduled post " function for a reason.
We are members of the Cat Gardening Club founded by our dear furiend, Jonesie. I thought I better get a post in before our crispy brown landscape goes to sleep under a snow duvet.
This was when I was out for a walk au naturel, harness free. I am not as crazy as Goldie so this is a priviledge I have once in awhile, mainly when I am out with the Music Man.
Our greenery is now gone, replaced with shades of brown and red.

I am distracted for a second as Goldie is hollering from an upstairs window. He stops screeching and tries to dismantle the screen. We take a break while the PM runs inside.
Our Guara still looks airy and full of wind. This is the first year we have had them and they are not hardy to our pathetic Zone 4. They will be covered with a warm mulch and hopefully will return in the Spring.

The Bamboo Grass (Sasaella Masamuneana Albostriata) still holds on to some of it's gorgeous charteuse. This is one of the PM's favorite grasses. Very different looking. Apparently it can be very vigorous in warmer climates but it stays within it's bounds here.
Shade, thanks for taking us out on your walk!
We used to have Guara in our flower beds, but somebody accidentally deaded it.
That was a very enjoyable tour of your garden. Ours is all soggy, and mum has to take up the rest of the summer bedding plants. She should have finished doing it by now but it has been too wet to get out in the garden.
Ahh--Shade thanks for sharing! Your garden is still beautiful as winter comes. Our yard still has some flower that bloom in the cold--purple ones and white ones...Have a great Friday!
You are wise Shade, Fall has it's very own beauty!
You're very lucky to be able to go outside harness-free!
Thank you for the garden tour and yes you do still have beauty to behold.. HUgs GJ x
What a lovely garden, so many nice things to see and smell even though it's not summer anymore.
Spectacular pictures! A kitty after my own heart. I love what I call nature photos and tend to take quite a lot of them myself. Perhaps I'll share some day too.
Thanks for the inspiration and sharing your local seasonal beauty.
~Lisa Co9T
There is some real beauty to be found in your garden. Starting with you, Miss. Shade:)
Shade, we want to thankyou for a tour of your yard. Even in the winter, trees and bushes are lovefurly! Hope banshee didn't break the screen!
Pawsome gardening post, Shade! That grass sounds marvelous. Mom says we would clearly chew on it. Ha!
We hope you will be allowed outside on many more occasions. We haven't been outside since last week. Big sigh!
you have a very nice garden as well as a very nice blog... love the little break dancing kitty in the corner! and although i am a tad embarrassed to admit that i had a hard time trying to figure out how to leave a comment, i like how it's done! meow!
Yes, there are still beautiful things to see in the fall and winter. We love to see the freshly fallen snow.
You be sure to go back in where it is safe Shade!
Shade, you are the perfect mistress for the garden. Who doesn't love a little shade. You are right, that there is still beauty to be found, and you sure did a good job finding it. You are a gardener extraordinaire!
Fall can be kind of sad, with all the prettiest bright stuff fading away, but you've proven that there's plenty of neat stuff still to see! Very lovely, thanks for sharing it with us.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Mom says the last three pikhs are pawesome!
Mom loves the fall pics, so pretty!
Hello! Thanks for the garden tour and thanks for visiting our blog today. We're going to add you to our blog list so we can visit more often.
Purrs, Raymond and Busby
That was a very nice tour of your garden Shade!
It's Saturday and Banshee is on the LOLSpot again.
Nice taking a walk with you around your yard. Can see for sure that all outside is done and ready to be covered soon in a blanket of white snow. Oh the summer is far behind and now fall is almost gone too.
Hi Shade,
Those photos are beautiful!!!
Especially the close up ones...Glogirly says you have a really nice depth of field. I don't know what that means, but she made it sound pretty impressive!
(Glogirly's cat)
We agree. It is nice ta go out even after the garden is done fer the year. The aparagus is a lovely yellow, fer example. An the leafs are crunchy an fun ta pounce as they are falling.
I know all about that bamboo grass, which we, living in a warmer clime, inherited from a neighbor. A gardener said the only way to get rid of it was to dig an eighteen inch trench and fill it with cement!!!
Though late fall may not have many flowers, the seed heads are truly interesting shapes and sizes.
You have been out without a harness, Shade ??? That is great!!! Your garden in fall looks very beautiful. It invites for a walk. Here it is unusual warm and some of the fairie roses are flowering yet. That´s crazy for december.
We hope our package will arrive your home soon.
Luna, Luzie and Olli
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