We would like to welcome you to the Wednesday Water Sports Event! This event is highlighting felines who like to use the loo in the great white! We are very excited to be hosting this event during this week of the Cat Olympics 2010. To check out what has been happening this week please visit our friend Fin, who is the creative cat that started this week of games!
It is a glorious day for this event and we are pleased to introduce you to our mascot out here in the woods~ Alabaster!

First up please welcome Flynn, an up and coming Snow Pee-er from across the pond. It doesn't snow much in England so the British Snow Pee-ers have a totally different style. As you can see, this sport for the BSP is all about the aim. They score extra points for standing in the snow but actually peeing on bare vegetation.
The BSP team also have coaches that offer hints from the sidelines and who inspect every play. Eric checks it out and announces Flynn has played his best pee yet!! Well done!!!
I am up next and will show you how us Canadian Polar Pee-ers do it!
It is the perfect pee day out there. New fluffy snow and some flakes still falling. To tell you the truth, this is the only time I am allowed to practice my sport. The PM lets me out only when there has been a storm, they are all outside and the driveway has not been done yet.

For a CPP, observation is key and it takes awhile to scout out the perfect spot.

I do enjoy a more secluded whizz under the cedar but that is mainly during off season recreation pees.

A true CPP takes to the open snow.
I smell the fresh clean air and make my move.

About ten paces is the norm and once the perfect spot is selected it all happens very fast. A very small dig is made, one paw swipes worth and then the key is balance. A slight squat with vertical tail is the ideal.

Then execute a tight turn, cover with a second paw swipe.

Now, for the finale. Walk back to the starting line in your same tracks!

That wasn't too bad but I need to work a little on tail leverage. Maybe the CPP will look into coaches?
What do you say Alabaster? Care to be my coach???

We are in AWE! You and Flynn are very tough mancats. Your gingerness looks so lovely against the snow:) And we love Alabaster!:)
We love this competition! It's a very tough competition at that! Both entries are purrfect!!
Alabaster is adorable!
What an exciting competition! Are there any Alabaster keepsakes like t-shirts, pins or stuffed animals?
Wow, that's a very tough competition to be sure. We rarely get snow, but actually had about 12" just late last week -- but The Mommy wouldn't let us out in it even to try for this event! :( Mean ol' Mommy. You and Flynn both did a great job for this. And we love Alabaster!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I'm in awe Goldie. I've only been in the snow a couple of times and I freaked out because my paws were too cold so I couldn't relax enough to uh...you know.
You deserve the gold!!!!
Bob: Jim did you see that!
Jim: Yes Bob, that was an impressive showing from both sides of the pond. I was very impressed with the dedication of the coaching staff and to risk a swipe in the snow... paws up!
Bob: Maybe we could convince Alabaster to do some commentaries in the next games, that was some impressive work!
Loving this competition...both entries were excellent. It will be tough to choose a winner!
This is impressive. We wonder if you ever come into the house with yellow icicles hanging down from yourselves? Best of luck in the competition!
We love Alabaster! we also think Flynn is a ringer...that's not a pee that he's performing, that's marking! tread tread squirt squirt against a vertical surface (or in this case, against a bush)...a very different sport than peeing, which as Goldie so nobly demonstrtated, requires a squat. The tail lift is very impawtant and some cats in this household whose names won't be mentioned don't even perform enough of a tail lift in the litter box, so they end up with damp litter stuck to their long furry breeches.
That's some good sporting there.
Some of the bravest winter cats in the blogosphere!
We too are in awe but not at all inclined to follow suit...
I was very honoured to take part in your demonstration event and hope this sport will have many participants in the next winter Olympics. I would like to say though that I was definitely peeing and not spraying. Mum and Eric will vouch for me that I had a steady stream for at least a full minute. I squat when using the litterbox indoors, but prefer to stand and aim outdoors. If we get any more snow, I will prctice doing it in the CPP way. Eric has said he is willing to offer coaching to any future snow pee-ers.
Alabaster is a wonderful mascot.
We think Eric and Flynn deserve the gold for pee-ing in the great white tundra! brrr..... Alabster is adorable too!
How did Butterskhotch and BroFur get there?
The last I chekhked they were in their khat khondo?
Cookie tried going out today, but the deck was slippery and we got a lot of snow. He turned around and rushed back inside, he's not as brave as Eric, Flynn and Goldie. Alabaster looks terrific
Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike
That is just too funny! I never would have thought of this category.
We love this competition! We wish we could go outside and pee in the snow right now! How fun!!
HAHAHA!!!! Excellently executed! We can't imagine why Alabaster wouldn't take you on! Gold Medal material for sure!
Since we don't get snow here, we thought this was a very funny winter sport. hehehe
I don't have snow so there's no way I could have competed in this event. I love it though! You are both excellent.
Our snow melted so we could not have competed in this. Great gold material!
What an exciting event! It was very interesting to see how the SP styles differ throughout the world. We think Goldie's and Flynn's performances both deserve gold medals. Alabaster is a very cute mascot.
Great effort by all. I can only admire in awe from a distance since I don't have the white stuff.
Wow, Flynn was brilliant in his sport, with a great coach, Eric! I think that the BSP team nailed it! Then there was Goldie with a most awesome demonstration - woo hoo CPP! And you did have the best mascot in Alabaster ever!!!!! 3 Cheers from us for the Water Event!!!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I cannot believe I missed this event! What an amazing, challenging sport. I don't think well get more snow this year, but next year I'll pawticipate!
Purrs, Siena
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