The joy of Spring brings with it the irritation of birds in our woodstove. The first one of the year flew down the chimney while we were in the house by ourselves and the PM groaned as she walked in to the telltale claws scraping metal distress signal.
The wee lad went to investigate and said "I see something oval in there!"
The PM peeked in and was shocked to see there was an EGG laying there in the ashes.

The PM got the Starling out then went to see the egg. Yep, the poor Starling was probably ready to lay the egg and it just popped out as she was all flustered being in the stove.

When the wee lad saw the egg, he was sooo excited as he thought we could keep it warm and we could take care of it until it hatched. He said "It's our lucky day!!" He really loves birds, and not for the same reason I love them.
The PM felt horrible having to tell him that the egg had become too cold and it would not be able to grow anymore. They took the egg outside and made a little nest for it in the field so it could go back to nature.

I did get a chance to give it a little inspection before it left. Very interesting indeed.
No fev-vers though. Maybe next time.
Awww, too bad. But at least you got to sniff an egg!
The silly stove starling indeed. We have never seen a birdie egg up close like that.
Wow. That egg looked very interesting! You have so much interesting stuff going on over there! We're jealous! Nothing like that happens here...
Have a lovely weekend!
Awww, the poor momma birdie, she must have been terrified. The PM did a good job explaining everything to the wee lad and giving the egg back to nature.
We wish you a good weekend!
Thank you for posting the pictures of the egg - we aren't likely to see one or a birdie in our Mum's hand - she'd fetch someone passing by to deal with it as fevvers frighten her with their fluttering!! Who'd have a wussy Mum.
Wow, that's quite an exciting adventure from our point of view! An egg!!!
Our human feels badly for the starling, though.
What an amazing and different thing to have happen. We have heard of birds coming down the chimney but never leaving an egg. Poor Momma bird probably wonders where that egg went.
Have a wonderful week end.
As much as I'd love to eat the momma birdie, I feel sad for her and would have sat on the egg for her to keep it warm...really I would have.
That poor mama birdie. I'm glad you got to sniff it, but your PM was kind to put it back in nature.
I guess there's a lesson in everything. The starling learned not to fly down your stovepipe again, your little boy learned that not all eggs can be hatched, and that everything returns to nature. Goldie learned that birdie eggs smell kinda iffy!
That little egg is such a beautiful colour! Only in nature!
What an adventure! Thursday was quite the day for bird stories!
xx lounge kats
WOW! That's sad there's no fevvers in the egg anymore but that is so cool you got to sniff it!
It is sad to see that there will be no little one...but we are glad you got a whiff!
Sorry about the egg, that's sad...Happy weekend sweet friends and Happy Mother's Day to your Mommy too...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
One of the two remaining unhatched PF eggs was broken overnight - apparently it was infertile -
The other one has about a day or so until it is deemed non-hatchable -
Thanks fur sharing this!
Thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes.
Wow! That was some adventure! Glad you got to check it out, Goldie!
Did ya get ta eat the egg (raw or cooked)? Raw eggs are VERY yummy...
Poor birdie. I am glad your mum explained it like that to your little bean and put it back outside. Hugs GJ x
Starlings are easily confused aren't they? Lot of woodstove action.
Oh and Shade I am scared of the egg sack thing from yesterday, you better stay away.
I wonder why it does not have fevvers?
We have been finding eggs on the ground in our yard, have eaten! And then yesterday mom found a cardinal's nest in a rosebush with those egg things in it. We are going to watch it very carefully now to see if any fevvers appear!
It's sad that the Mom startling lost her egg in your stove. Silly bird for flying it, though.
Too bad for Mama Starling-how interesting. That is beautiful egg.
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