Today we are wishing our floofy fella a wonderful~
7th Gotcha Day!
That also means that he is 7 and a half years old. Wow! Pushin' the double digits there.
Goldie would like to spend his day running with our foxy friends but he is content to lay in his bed by the window and watch. Those foxes do some silly things!

(click to biggify)
Happy Gotcha Day, Goldie! Enjoy watching those silly foxes!
Happy Gotcha Day, Goldie! We hope you have a terrific day--with extra treats, of course.
Happy Gotcha Day Goldie!!!!!
Happy happy Gotcha Day Gorgeous Goldie!!! We hope you have the most marvellous day and that the foxes put on a great show for you :)
Happy Gotcha Day Goldie!!! We wish you a wonderful day filled with lots of love and treats :-)
Happiest of Gotcha days to you sweet Goldie!! You handsome ginger man!
Happy Gotcha day, handsome Goldie! We think you landed the perfect home!
As your present to us, could you possibly post a little more often?
The Chans
Happy Gotcha Day, Goldie!
Happy gotcha day to you, Goldie!!
Happy 7th Gotcha Day, Goldie! You're still a young mancat. Seven is the new 5, they say.
Looking good! Have a wonderful day.
Happiest of Gotcha Days, dearest Goldie! We hope you are acting as silly as that fox high up there. Have a GREAT day!
A great way to spend your gotcha day ... cuddled by little loving arms!
Happy 7.5 years :-)
Happy Gotcha Day, Goldie. Our Dad has a soft spot for fluffy kitties, and oranje kitties.
You might wanna be a little careful with them foxes, tho. We suspekt you woodn't like they games they would wanna play.
Happy Gotcha Day!!!
Mom Paula
Happy Gotcha Day Goldie! We are a bit late but since my SS has just off a 21-hour flight, I'm sure you would excuse us.
Happy Gotcha Day Goldie!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Goldie! I hope you have an extra special day filled with hugs and kisses and treats and toys!
Happy (belated) Gotcha Day, Goldie! What a great picture of that fox!
Belated 7th Gotcha Day to Goldie! Sorry we got behind.
There was this hurricane, ya see...
Thankyou for coming by to celebrate with me.
SS is still musing over the said 'corpse flinging' Hope the police won't be arriving any time soon.
happt gotcha (we are just catching up)... amazing shot of the fox. We loved your foxy colouring best of all! Love Darcy and Bingley xx
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