I was just minding my own business, having a snooze, when this beast lumbered by!

Excuse me, sir, I think your home is across the barbed wire fence there.

The PM and wee ones went out to investigate but the wanderer just stopped and stared.

This must have been the mama as she was not happy and kept hollering at him.

I didn't take any chances and called for some back up.

The next morning, the PM went for a stroll to try and find the hole the fella came through. None was found and everything seemed serene.

An hour later we were joined by one...


three escapees!

There was another black one clomping through the PM's shade garden so she dropped the camera and went out. When they saw her they all took off across the yard.
You know how THoE is a funny and exciting experience? Well, THoC~ not so much.
The reinforcements were needed once more.

Woo have all the khoolest pets in your yard!
You sure get some strange visitors in your yard!
Those are QUITE the garden visitors. Wow!
P.S.: Once some loose sheep ate almost everything in the newly planted garden of a cousin of mom's. Maybe carnivore garden visitors are preferable after all...
We get excited if we get birdies in our garden - but cows would leave too much poop!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Cows in the garden oh my. We are horrified.
Oh how exciting are these visitors!
They all looks very friendly!
You know that you have the best snoozing place there on the windowsill?
Wow, you have very exciting visitors! Did your human discover how they were escaping their own fencing?
Wow, I would freak out if I found those in my yard!
It is a good thing you kitties are on the lookout for these intruders!
I think you better stay indoors away from those introoders!
It's never boring over your way, is it?
Glad the Island was welcoming. #1 says she'll be back next summer!
The Chans
It's never boring over your way, is it?
Glad the Island was welcoming. #1 says she'll be back next summer!
The Chans
Those are very nosy visitors to come snooping around your garden.
Hahahahaha!!! Who says country life is quiet and boring???
THoC must be very loud indeed!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Wow, we already think you have the best BIRD TV,...but now you have COW TV! That is so cool!
I just think " Yummy Milk " when I see them...tee heh
Have a great day
I am laughing at Puddy's comment lol.
Not too many kitties can say they have COWS visiting their yards! lol
Bovine escapees, now there's an idea for a story!!
Well, if you are going to have cows in your yard, the least they could do is send one over that can produce a bit of milk for you. Not sure the ones that wandered over could help you with that!
You should keep all of them and have a giant BBQ party!!!
Love your reinforcement.
Your backup looks furry relaxed. We think your backup needs backup for just in case.
~Slash & Bronzy
Looks like butter and cream are getting delivered at your place...
hey you cows!!!!! what do you think your doing?!
My goodness, things are not dull around your yard!!
Those beasts are very big! Yikes.
good grief! what about your flowers and shrubs - did they munch them? how many more will arrive... the whole herd! We only have insects and birdies in our place! Love Darcy and Bingley xx
Wow, what beasts! That is some excitement!
Wow, those cow dogs sure are big ones. Wonder how much food they go through? Stay inside where you are safe.
You get some really exciting visitors. I hope you found out how they are getting into your yard.
Happy Gotcha Day Banshee! We remember your Gotcha Day...and how happy we were that you found the BEST family!
Cory and family
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