I know this looks dangerous. Please do not try this at home. The wood stove was off, I just wanted to give the PM a little scare. Not that she needs one, but whatever.
Now for a fox update. We don't think she had babies this year. She has been coming around with some of her grown babies from last year and we found out they normally only have babies every two years. Last week she got a chicken from one of our neighbours and ran through our yard with it. I was quite jealous truth be know. Later that day, the farmer whose land in beside us burnt and plugged the den from last year and the PM was very upset thinking the fox was in there with her new babies. She wasn't, we have seen her since, but she is getting too brave and the PM is worried someone will try to shoot her. She also came trotting over when the PM and the wee ones were in the garden and probably would have came right to them but the PM yelled really loud at her. She isn't really scared, that is not a good thing.
Someone sent the PM this link and it looks pretty crazy. (www.predatorpee.com) It says to scare away foxes, you need to buy coyote pee. WHAT????? That doesn't sound right. How do they send it? How do they get it? I am going to try and save the family the time and money and I am thinking of heading out tonight. I have a few white cups and a friendly smile so I am sure I can coax some coyotes into helping us out. The PM saw a bobcat and a lynx around before so that would be even better. I think I am onto something,,,
Good Day Sunshine!
8 hours ago
Oh, we know about wood stoves! Our friend Jeremy learnt that ya shouldnt jump on those things an he hurt his feets fer a few days. So we know not ta do that.
Oh please be careful! That poor fox is confused and should not get so close!
That pee thing does sound strange.
Please be careful :)
I am laughing at the image of you out there with a little white cup trying to collect some potty!
Happy Mancat Monday, Goldie! You're lookin fabyoolus. And yeah, be kareful on that wood stove!
The fox thing sounds strange! There was a rabid fox around our neck of the woodsies. So that's a possibility.
Brainball sends floofy headbonks to his soul brutha!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Yes, inquiring minds want to know...how do they send coyote pee in the mail?
With all those animals out there, you better be careful, floffy one!
Wow, "predator pee"? And I thought using deer pee for deer hunting season was bad!
Predator pee?! dats jus crazy talk.
Poor foxie, even if yoo dunna want dem in yer yard, do na burn dem... dat iz mean and said sad and mommeh gets very sad.
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