OK, here is how our day goes, outside wise. No cats are allowed out at breakfast and after supper, Goldie needs to be on a harness with the PM unless everyone is outside. The PM figured that if all the beans were outside making noise that the fox wouldn't come around so we were safe out there. That was the only time Goldie was able to do his hunting.
The PM never really worries about me when I go out as I normally just recline in the sun close to the house or I head up to the garden to recline up there if everyone is working there.
On Sunday I wanted to go out. Goldie must have sensed what was going to happen as he didn't want out at all! It was shortly before noon, the PM and The Nanny were fixing lunch, the PM's sister had the three wee ones outside playing and the Music Man, The Grampie and the Uncle were building this...
It was a beautiful day with hardly and wind. I smelled something worth investigating as soon as I trotted outside. I don't know why Goldie never sought out this aroma before, maybe his smeller is broken. We have berm right outside our front door which is a crescent shaped manmade hill with tons of trees and bushes on it. There is an old ground hog hole in there and the smell was coming from it.
I slowly made my way to the hole, nose to the ground. I could hear the PM's sister calling my name, asking me to come over for some scritches. The smell was too compelling. I reached the hole and was met by the face of EVIL coming out of it!!!! There was a fox in there and she came out of that hole like a bullet, but screaming with fangs. I ran straight to the door. I was puffed up so much that I looked like a black tumble weed. I have never ran so fast in my life!!!! I could feel the rancid breath on my back. Everyone started screaming and the Music Man came running over clapping his hands and yelling. The fox turned and ran back to the hole.
The PM's sister let me in and I headed straight for my crunchies. I ate with gusto for a couple of minutes to calm my nerves.
It was very frightening but somewhat exciting as after a nap, I really wanted back out and have been asking CONSTANTLY!
The PM was woken up one night last week by two foxes screaming and fighting right outside the house so we now fear that there may be TWO foxes living here. One in the field outback and one in the berm. We are now not allowed out AT ALL unless we have the harness on and are with the beans. I am OK with the harness, I used to wear one all the time before. Goldie HATES it and doesn't move at all. He bolts sometimes, taking off running at top speed, reaches the end and practically chokes himself. He is very depressed about the situation. The PM is also "at the end of her rope".
Good Day Sunshine!
8 hours ago
Ooh, you really need to be careful out there. If there are two foxes, there are probably fox babies, too, and that will make the bigger foxes mean and vicious...or meaner and viciouser! Maybe I'm glad I'm an inside cat.
It'd sure to fun to play with the anoles and try to catch those big birds.
AAAIIIEEE! I am glad you are OK! Stay safe and inside!!!
Wow, those foxes sound very scary!!! We think you are very brave for going outside. We only go outside on our harnesses, and we don't mind, because we've never known anything else. Dragonheart has a really comfy harness called a Puppia, and our humans say I'll get one of those as soon as I've stopped growing, so probably for my first birthday.
Oooh . . . how scary, but exciting too! We don't have any foxes living near us . . . at least we haven't seen any. I have seen racoons and opossums, but no foxes.
That wuz a skairy story! I'm glad yoo kood run fast. Stay on yur harniss with your peeple. Its whut I do. Nice to meet you by the way. It's my first time heer!
Ohhh, that's very scary! You really should take better care! Your PM is right about the harness! Your humans cannot do anything about the foxes in the hole? we have no experience with that, just wondering....
So, ummm, does this mean have not caught any more mousies?
Oh my goodness, Shade! My heart was racing when I read that scairty story. I am so relieved that you are okay.
oh my cat! What a trauma! Still, eating crunchies with gusto to help you cope with the stress was a fantastic idea! I too am a stress eater. Well, I'm stressed all the time because I eat contstantly! x
Wow, a real fox ?!?
What an exciting story.... We never meet a fox, but a lot of mice, marten, rats, rabbits, pigeons....
Be careful and stay well!
Holy Moly - we're so glad you're safe Shade! We have a fox that lives near by, but Mommy's not sure where exactly. But guess what she saw out side the kitchen window this morning - a fox! We may be on restriction for a while too!
That is quite the play area for the little beans!!! :)
A foxhole so close to your home :o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is scary!! I would stay indoors too.
I hope you can find a way to make the foxes go away.
Stay safe guys!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Don't blame Goldie for hating the harness. I do too, but I don't have lurking foxes in my little garden. Hey, you guys stay safe inside, OK?
Wow! What excitement at your house! I am not sure if I would want to be friends with those foxes if they had big fangs. Good thing you had crunchies to calm you down!
Omigosh! That sounds terrifying! I'm glad you're all right!
P.S. Thank you for saying I'm not plump!
Wow, that was a close call. We are so glad that you where hurt!
Babys u stey save and w/ your Bean so u wont get hurd ok OK
Wow, that would be cool fort to play in, but with those foxes around, you'd better stay inside where you're both safe!
We haf nefer seen one of those foxy things, but they dont sound good. But we gotta big wall aroun our back yard so we is safe.
Since the Wall was builded in the first place ta keep woofies outta our back yard (an he says foxes are small woofies), we are pretty sure he would "deal with" any foxies that found a way in.
He patrols the wall lookin fer holes unner it (fer groundhoggies that eat his garden), so we figure he would notice one a foxie could get through.
"Oh" my that's very scary I'm glad your okay.
yoo met dat foxie?! dat scary!
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