We were supposed to post this yesterday but the PM came back from the city with and the wee ones and a migraine so she went right to bed.
We'd like to thank everyone for all their help and suggestions on our last post. Aunt C has read them all and now hopefully she'll find something to help Sister. She asked us to clarify poor Sister's name. Many of you commented on a he being a Sister and it all started when he was a kitten. When they first adopted him, they thought he looked like Sissy Spacek, the actress. They then called him Sissy, which is what he goes by most of the time and that morphed to Sister which is what the PM normally calls him. He seems secure in his mancathood.
So it looks like Spring has finally come (even though there was flurries last night and more on tap for the weekend.)
We have a few green sprouts in the garden.

Early tulips

We have a chickadee pair that are making their nest in a dead tree. The mom and dad take turns digging some pieces of wood out and flying away a few feet then spitting it all out.

We are excitied to see what their babies look like.

The PM was doing laundry on the weekend and spotted our old friend, Foxy. She had just told The Nanny the day before that she didn't think the foxes were back this year. Wrong, PM!

Two little kits made their debut.

I kept my eye on them too.

The PM is very worried about them and was hoping they would not come back again this year, even though they have come here for the last four years to have their kits. They either have their dens in our berm or in the hills beside our house. This year they are in the hills. Even though they are close, they are not on our property as the hills rest just past our lane. The farmer who owns the property has anger issues and everyone knows to stay out of his way. His wife and his son moved out last year as he punched his son in the face while they were haying. Not a nice man. The PM worries he will hurt the fox family. He has been over daily hauling manure and she knows he has seen them but they are still there so he must be going to let them stay. They only stay here a few months then move into the deep woods come Summer. Last year the cougar came to check out their den too and probably would have eaten some of the kits had the PM not scared it away. PM is worried now about that. Even though she loved actually seeing the cougar, she doesn't like the idea of one scoping out the place. Everyone keeps telling her not to get too attached but the PM's, the PM and is already attached and will be heartbroken if anything happens to this perfect wild family.
Please give your mummy lots of extra cuddles, we hope she's feeling better now.
We love foxes too and we will cross all of our paws that this lovely family will be able to stay together and healthy.
We understand perfectly the PM gets attached. The cougar is a different thing than the neighbour though, as the cougar is just trying to survive too and it would be nature's way if he got them. What we certainly NOT hope! It's hard to believe you still got flurries at your place. But those sprouts look ever so promising. Sorry to hear about the migraine, our mom knows that it's awful. Many kittykisses!
We hope your Mom is feeling better today - keep giving her lots of purrs. Loved the pictures of the chickadees - we had not seen any of these before. We will keep purrinf for the baby foxes.
Migraines STINK! We're sending purrs to your Mommy to help.
And we are amazed at what an exciting place you live! We never knew chickadees lived in dead trees. We'll have to check out the dead tree by the house because there are some chickadees that are hanging around ALL the time. . . maybe they live there.
We loved your photos, where you live looks so interesting. I am a city cat so I do not see foxes or cougars, but on weekends I see the police horses down in the street, there paws clip-clop when they walk - very odd.
Winston x
The foxes are so gorgeous. I hope the little family will be okay. That farmer does not sound like a nice person!
We are sending purrs that the little fox family will be safe. They are gorgeous. Please give your PM a smooch from us. We hope she is feeling better.
My Mommy would be the very same way...
Our Mommy agrees....we do hope that the foxes are safe! Beautiful!!! You are too!!! Sam says to come and relax with him!
We are sending healing purrs to the PM!
We too would be heartbroken if anything happened to the little fox family so we hope they will be ok.
We hope your mommy's brains are feeling better today. And your neighbor sounds like an total a$$. But, what goes around, comes around. Thanx for sharing your foxes with us. They are super cute!
Wow! There certainly is a lot going on in your garden!
Mom is just like the PM and we are hoping the darling foxes stay safe!!!!
Our Mommy gets attached to animals easily too; the foxes are very adorable, it's so nice to be able to observe animal families, the love is so great!...We hope they stay safe too...Those birds are darling, we love birds!...We hope your Mommy is feeling better; our Mommy gets miagraines too and takes Imitrex shots, she says it's a wonderful drug...Happy weekend friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Healing purrs to your mom!
The little fox family is adorable. We wish them safe from any harm. We had a little fox family show up last year, but haven't seen it this year.
Woo have an inkhredibly khool neighbourhood too!
We'll enjoy watching all of it!
The fox furamily is so khute - we enjoyed them last year!
Maybe woo khan the khougar to have a 'talk' with the nasty neighbour ;-)
Migraines are indeed the worst. Thanks for all the wildlife pictures, esp the chickadees. Mommy misses their funny little antics.
We hope maybe nature will get it right and the cougar will eat the nasty neighbor!
xx Lounge Kats
We don't have foxes by us. So we sure hope the ones by you stay safe!
We get foxes too and they walk past the other side of our fence. We hear them barking at night. We hope your mum's migraine is better.
It's amazing what little bitty spots Chickadees can nest in.
we understand your mom being afraid for the family. we also think that if the mean man were going to harm them, he would've by now. We are hoping that's at least one less thing for your mom to worry about. We like that she is protecting the family. :)
We will purray for all God's creatures are safe and protected and have a good spring bringing up their young....
Love reading the stories about the wildlife around your home. Hope the young families are all safe this spring.
you bre careful of those foxes! We know they LOOK like kitties, but they is really woofies in disguise... And they BITE!
The foxes are really cute. We hopes they make it. ~AFSS
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