Happy Easter everyone!! We hope you all have a wonderful day. The weather here is absolutely gorgeous!! We had so much rain all week and were preparing for a wet weekend but yesterday the temperature was 24C which is 75F and sunny. We still have snow but it was t-shirt and shorts weather. It was great to have all the windows open!!
This is our last April Fools Week slightly embarrassing PM story. We saved it for today as it has a bunny in it and a bunny on Easter is purrfect!
This happened when the PM was in her late teens. All these stories happened in her teens. We are surprised she didn't develop some type of complex!
The PM and her sister each had a bunny who were sisters too. There was Shankar and Pandora and they lived in the house just like one of the cats. They stayed in their hutch at night but in the morning they would be let out and they'd spend the rest of the day out, running around, sleeping on beds, laying across the back of the couch watching tv and playing with the cats.
Here is a picture of a picture of the PM and Shankar one Christmas morning. Shankar loved Animal Crackers and would get them as a treat. She was a great bun!

She was eating some when Shankar jumped up for a cuddle. Sometimes when the bun was happy, she'd run around in a circle and this was what she was doing , doing laps around the PM and her pile of Bridge Mix.
Sometimes when doing laps, a small bunny poop or two would slip out. If you have never seen a bun poo, here are some.
Well, Shankar jumped down and the PM kept on reading and snacking. Only one of the last treats turned out to not be a treat at all! The PM took the chocolate (aka rabbit turd), popped it in her mouth and crunched it between her molars!!!
She ran around, trying to tell her Dad but she couldn't really talk as she was holding her mouth wide open! He tried to help but was laughing too hard to do much. It took her hours of brushing her teeth, flossing and rinsing her mouth to get everything out. It was really lodged in there.
The moral of the story~ look before you chew!!!
That was funny! Poor PM, what a big surprise!
Happy Easter!
"Oh My" Lol poor PM.Happy Easter....HUGS
Hahaha! We wanna know if the PM ate bridge mix ever again!
Happy Easter to you all! Enjoy your good weather!
That is a great April Fools trick. Happy Easter to you all plus Birks sends his purrs to you all too but I am not very happy with him as he woke me up this morning at 4 am for a game of chase. The humans had to shut us in separate rooms to stop the mayhem. FAZ
Hopp-ity Easter to you. We hope your Easter is eggs-tra special☺
haha! Thanks for making my mom laugh out loud for the 3rd time this week!
Stay away from the bridge mix this Easter, ok!!!!
Yikes! That's a funny story! Happy Easter!
Oh, that was terrible; bet the PM never had bridge mix again!!MOL...We loved the story about the bunnies living in the house with the kitties; Shankar was a beauty!!...Hope you guys have a Happy Easter...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki
Hilarious !! We love the photo of PM with the bunny!
Happy happy Easter,
OMC! That is furry funny!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Happy Easter!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Excellent story!
We hope you are still having gorgeous weather and a very Happy Easter!
Your poor mom! I must admit that is funny.
This is so funny! Happy Easter to all of you!
I had a funny taste in my mouth just reading this!
Now that is an Easter story to top all Bun stories!
Hoppy Easter!
MOL! Oh dear! Great story though. Happy Easter!
Bwahaha! Bet the PM was very careful what she ate after that!
That's great! Hee Hee! Maybe that bun was playing an April Fool's joke:) Happy Easter!
That is so funny,, Love that huge bunny.. Hugs GJ xx
Bwahahahahaha! Such a funny story. Bet rabbit poo isn't nearly as yummy as chocolate. :)
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! =^_^= MOL chocolate poo~!
Happy Easter! That is one way to cure the hand to mouth motion without thinking.
Very funny story! Happy Easter!
That must have been quite the book ;)
Happy Easter Friends !!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Hoppy Easter!
PeeEssWoo: Mom says as soon as she saw Bridge Mix she had an idea what was khoming!
Oh Dear! That sounds like something that would have happened too me! Poor PM -- too funny!
This has been an awesome series! Who knew there was so much material. Mom knew what was coming as soon as she saw the bridge mix, shudder.
EWWWW!!! hahahahahahaha!!!
absolute hilarity!!! oops..hehehe.
Hope your Easter was marvelous!! :D
Heheheheeeeeeeee! That's funny. SS, take heed!
OMC, that story, oh my! Mom would be horrified!
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
Happy Easter to you too (even if it's over now).
Happy (WAY late) Easter! And ..Ewwwww....sorry your mom ate that! Yuck!
Hi y'all! Saw your comment on our blog and had to come over to say 'hi'. And have to admit that after reading this, Momma laughed so hard that she almost peed her pants! We love your blog.
jane & Alice
Shankar is a very gorgeous bunny so this tale begins beautifully and ends horribly. Hard to recover from that! I did enjoy reading it and the way you kitties describe yourselves is appealing.
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