After seeing everyones great jokes for Camie's Kitties, the wee ones said I HAD to put their favorite one up so here it goes.
Shade~ BOO
Goldie~ BOO WHO?
Everyone here has a huge weekend planned so I have been told that I won't be blogging again until Monday. The nerve! Well, it is the PM's sister's birthday Friday plus the wee-est one's birthday party is Sunday. I can understand. Plus this house looks like crap so the PM's time would be better spend scrubbing!
I have been enjoying the Spring.
Rolling in rotting straw.
Checking out the catmint status. Pretty pathetic. Just crispy brown.
My favorite hobby of all. Mouse search and destroy missions!
Another one bit the dust yesterday but the PM refused to take a picture of it. I thought that was pretty rude. She thought I was being morbid. We came to an agreement of sorts.
I am annoucing the first annual PRO MOUSER contest. I am going to keep a running tally of how many mouse slayings I am responsible for from May 1st to Sept. 1st. I ask that you all take a guess at what the final total will be and whatever cat gets the closest will win a wonderful prize. I suggested a splendid "box o' corpses" but the PM again said I was being morbid. You may leave a guess in the comments or email me if you want it to be a surprise. I will be taking guesses for the next week and after that I'll be posting the slaying tally on Mancat Mondays.
I am off to sharpen my claws in anticipation!
P B & J
2 hours ago
Your humans have very good reasons for not helping you blog. You are a good mouser, so I am going to guess that you will catch 60 mice. I hope your catmint gets to growing again soon.
247! At least. Go Team Orange Cat!
How about 10?
We guess 101 mousies u gonna catch, Goldie!
All the mousies are shaking in their furry pants now!
Wow...everybody is guessing bigger numbers than I thought. I was gonna say "36" but I think I'll change that to "136." Good luck!
hi - you are very fluffy.
YES - I am allergical to mom-bean's sistar. anytime she piks me up I HISSSify her. because I am allergical...and...I do not like her neither!! haw haw. mombean said not to be mean though
You are a great hunter! :) We have never seen, or caught, a real, live mouse. We will guess 75 mousies!
My first thought was 147 so I'm going to stick with it. Good hunting! I'm glad your snow has finally gone:) xxx
uhh, i have no experience of how many mousies a cat can catch... hmm that's difficult... I would say 120.
Have a great weekend! We will miss you!
go get those mice! You can do it!
We thought you were calling our "Boo" to you! Silly me!!
I'm gonna guess 84 mousies....
Dat sounds like a squillion to me!
That is a great knock-knock joke!
I am going to guess 71 mousies.
Oh a contest! How cool. Ummm, we guess 50 mousies!!
Wow, mousies beware! We were going to guess 147, but Black Cat already did. So...We will guess 47. Hopefully, you'll catch so many they won't be able to breed more!
I say....75 mousies to bite the dust. will you be hampered by your harness in anyway?? we want you safe, but can't wait to see the total.
that catmint should be sprouting soon huh. mommy planted mine last week. it is finally warming up here. a couple days last week it even went into the 70s!
Ummmm, dats a long long tym ta hunt. 142 I fink.
That was a funny joke Goldie!
We'd like to guess 67, so you've got a lot of mousing to do! Good luck!!!!
Wow lots af birthdays going on :) I hope you have fun with the ones at your place ;)
Ah,Spring!!! Starts off brown and starts turning green!!There are little patches of grass and Mom pickes me some! I love grass!!
Have a great weekend !! I'll miss ya :)
Purrs Mickey
I like your joke!!!!
These are astronomical numbers that other kitties are guessing. My little brain cannot comprehend anything more than 2 digits. So I am going to guess 8.
Oh wowie, what an awesome mouser you are, Goldie! I'm gonna guess that you'll ketch 87 mousies. That's a lotta mousies! I hope you can eat 'em all, hehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
We guess you'll catch 175 mousies!
Thanks for stopping by our blog and sending Orange Boy get well wishes and purrs. He is doing much, much, better now!
Good knock knock joke!
I will guess 92 mice. This is a good contest! It ends on Mom and my Daddy's anniversary! My One Who Came Before named Chai spent a weekend at a camp with Mom and my Daddy. There were mice living in the Dollhouse (the name of the building where they stayed) and Chai helped clean them up. There was a blackboard in the kitchen and they kept a list that ended up being: Chai 12, Mice 0 after just two days!
This is such a funny joke. Mousies, do you get real mousies????? Wow, I have never seen a live one. How about 18?
Wow - that is a great contest. We are going to guess 55 mice.
We like your joke too. Thanks for participating in our knock knock blog blast. We are having a great time reading them all.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
I stopped by again to read your joke. It's a good one.
Don't cry, Goldie. We will c u real soon after the weekend. :D
That's a really cute photo of u.
That was a cute knock knock joke and an even cuter picture of you!
This contest sounds wonderful!
Orion and I guess 60 mousies!
That is a good knock knock!
I hope you have a good weekend and hope that catmint grows soon!
Good knock knock joke!
We are guessin 57 mice...
We guess 47 mousies!
And, your joke was very funny!
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