The PM is sick and it is going to rain and/or snow all week so I decided to try to lighten things up. Goldie has been telling me stories that he has heard about the PM and I thought it would be fun to share the laughs. Since it is April Fool's Week and the PM and her Dad used try and get each other when they lived together, I thought us felines would get her this week.
These stories are all slightly embarrassing pet related tales, purrfect for a week of laughs.
I am also going to be sharing some gorgeous photos of moi.
Here I am enjoying the beams with a traditional window press move.

Now onto the story.
This first story happened when the PM was about 17 and had just adopted her cat Sydney. Her sister had drug her into the pet store one day after school to look at the kittens. They had one cat, Mimi at home. The PM saw this kitten who looked cross eyed, wasn't able to focus, seemed to walk with a stumble and was much bigger than the other kittens there. He cried at the PM and purred up a storm when she picked him up. The PM spent the next day thinking about this little tuxie and was worried he wouldn't be adopted as he seemed to have sight issues, maybe some mental issues and had already been there awhile as he was so much bigger than the others. She talked to her mom about it and they all went over to look at him. They ended up taking him home as they wanted him to have a good home even if he had all this disabilities.
Well, seems that he was putting on quite the act as when they got him home, his eyes brightened, he ran like lightening through the house and was a normal, happy little fella. The PM said she must have had a big S for sucker on her forehead when she went into the pet store that first time. He was quite the character and was well loved.
The funny part happened a few days after he came home. The PM was having a bath when she heard him race through the house, there was a crash and then he started crying. The PM grabbed a towel and ran to the livingroom. Sydney had knocked over a lamp, climbed the curtains and was stuck on the top of them. The PM got a chair and was in the front window trying to get him down. His claws were really stuck in the fabric so the PM had to use both of her hands to get him free. The exact moment that she had him loose, her towel fell down and her neighbour walked by the front of her house, staring in. He got quite the eyeful that day!!
I wish I could have met that Syd, he seems like a fun feline!
If you have any embarrassing Mom and Pets story, please feel free to share!!
we get first comment AND first laugh! :) thats great!
Oh my goodness! Syd sounds like a real troublemaker. He also reminds us a little bit of Ronny "condition is terminal" Licious!
Hahahahaha! Great story, thank you for sharing!
And Banshee, that pose is tremendously sweet. Do you want to cool off your paws?
Big time purrs, Siena & Chilli
Ha ha!! So funny!
Our grandma has a similar story. While getting dressed her cat, Roller, was on top of the mirror in the bathroom, so she grabbed her camera and took a few pictures. She brought them to the 1 hour photo to be developed and watched in horror as her pictures came over the conveyor belt in front of everyone...she forgot about the reflection in the mirror and she had no clothes on!!
Oh that is so funny! Thanks for the laugh. We will try and get our mom to confess to funny stories too...but we'll have a hard time topping that one!
Oh my goodness - that is sitcom funny!!!
~Lisa Co9T
LOL! Thank you for the laugh on this rainy morning! Banshee, I love your pictures. You look so sweet and content there in the window.
Haha! That was a good one!!'re looking lovely today too!
We loved that story - bet your neighbour kept walking by hundreds of times hoping for an action replay.
We love the gorgeous tummy shots, Banshee, you look so happy and content in the window!...That is a great story; we bet the neighbor came by more often!...We love the Monkeys' story too!!hehe...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki
BWA HA HA HA HA HA, that sounds like something that would happen to our mom! We bet she never looked her neighbor in the eyes after that episode!
That made us laugh out loud! Thanks for being such a good sport, PM, and sharing the laughs with us. But we're really sorry about the Sickies and Snow...
Hahahaha! What a funny story. Syd sounds like he was such a cool kitty. And The Monkeys' story made us laugh out loud, too.
That was too funny!
Momma main embarrassing story was when she thought Boo my sister was missing. She couldn't find her anywhere in the house and she ran outside in her PJ's and started looking for her and eventually when to the small mall that is near our house (on foot) with a flash light searching and searching. Eventually she came home empty handed only to find Boo locked in the closet. Mr.Jinx told on Boo. Daddy opened the door and Boo popped out.
Purrrrrrhaps woo heard us laugh from HERE in Pawsylvania?!?
PeeEssWoo: We hope all feel better soon!
Oh nooo...LOL...that is tooo funny. Thank you for sharing this story with us ;o) It made my day!
Banshee you looks so cute napping on the windowsill!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Lmao I have to share what my brother did to our mombean a few years back.
It was the day before she was to do her laundry so things were a bit scattered about. Mr. Cat brought one of his buddies over and mom and the friend were chitchatting while Mr. Cat was trying to find something and my brother, in all his innocence, starts dragging out something, all his crying and squaking and all... Mom thought at first it was a sock because he did that all the time. IT WAS A PAIR OF PANTIES! Mom was blushing for hours!
- Jadzia
Bwahahaha! That was really funny. Bet the neighbour couldn't believe his luck.
Banshee, you look very cute lying there.
Thanks for the laugh! Mom and I really needed that today!
Excellent! This is a great idea Banshee!
Hehehehehe, what a story! That Sydney must have been a character.
Love your cute pictures.
I would have LOVED Sydney!
Oh, they say a picture is worth a thousand words...what a picture that would have been...cats are somehow involved in many stories that are embarrassing for bipeds!
Our mewmie peed in our litterbox once (they were stuck in traffic in the car and there is always a litterbox in the car as we travel a lot. And another time, at first glance thought a "feminine sanitary item" we dragged out of the garbage...was a cat toy...
There is absolutely no way we can top that story! Thanks for sharing it, Banshee.
Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike
We loved the window pictures! And that story was SO funny. Beins are so weird about clothes...
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