First off, I'd like to thank everyone for their great suggestions for our JC Puck! They were all great!! The PM is enlisting some of her friends to help decide what the name will be. Stay tuned!!
The PM came home yesterday with an interesting new thing for us. A scratching pad that is supposed to file our nails down as we scratch.
I don't know though.

Sure PM.
Everything you see on TV, has to work... (insert sarcastic eye roll here)

Well, it did come with some nice cat nip.
Not our organic, pure, still have bugs on it nip, but it'll do.

I snoopervised the assembly, fev-ver toy placement and nip sprinklage.
It does look scratch-a-licious to us. We're sure you're going to take it on.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
We saw that on TV, too! I would rather use a scratcher that makes my clawrs SHARPER though. I do not want to file away my pointy ends.
That looks like much more fun than the nail clippers! You and Banshee did a very good quality control job, too :)
Mom's seen that on TV. Can't wait to hear a review of it!! Trimming some of our claws can get a bit painful for her. So it would be great it this scratcher works!
We are also anxiously waiting a review! Deli hates getting her nails trimmed so it would be great if it works!
That looks interesting, but is it as good as scratching the furniture!
We scratch on stuff all the time...but we still have to get our nails trimmed. We don't like it even though mom calls it "spa day".
We're curious to see if this works!
That's kewl! We MOL'd at Banshee sticking her tongue out at it and you giving it a little lick! Hope you get "Cat Scratch Fever"
We just saw this on tv yesterday! Thanks for reviewing it. Looks like we can skip buying this one.
It's no fun to scratch on things you are allowed to. The nip should make it more interesting though.
Hahaha. Great way to DtHC (drive the humans crazy). We'll remember that. Cool trick!
It would be great if this works; let us know and we'll get one too...We like to play with Mom's file, but never use it on our nails=we just kill it!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Time will can it stop all clipping? I think it will make your claws sharper and this more "ouchie" for the tender skinned humans.
I like the shape of it! Come on you guys! Dig in!!!
~Lisa Co9T
Whimpurr has been wondering whether those things worked or not so she will be glad to hear how it goes for you! *purrs*
Your blog is so darling. I was thinking of getting one of these scratching posts for my kitty Sadie.
I look forward to hearing how it goes. I always scratch those pads, but they're kind that make my claws sharper, which I like but Mama does not. She would love something that makes my claws duller. You guys look cute as always.
Daddy wanted to get one of those for us and Mom said no soooo if it works we'd love to know!
purr on
I've seen those on TV! Doesn't your mom know that kitties ONLY like to scratch where their not supposed to? The sofa, rugs, wicker chairs (Tiger's fave), even curtains can work. I bought a "as seen on TV" fleece blanket for dogs at CVS the other day -- kind of like a snuggie for dogs, minus the sleeves!
I've been SOO Tempted to get one these, I also fell for the commercial..hehehe, keep us posted on how they like it!
Have a Great Week!!
We are dieing to see if it works! Maybe it will just make your claws sharper!?
we wonder if this would guys certainly look sceptical! love Goldie's tiny pupils and swept back ears as he contemplates the nip. We have an angled scratching post with one of those cardboard inserts that works great (although eventually there are cardboard shreddies everywhere) but it just removes the itchy sheaths from our nails, doesn't seem to unsharpen them.
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