Some people asked yesterday if there was a fight in *picture four*. There would have been if there was a pic four but the PM saw the warning signs of Banshee's wrath and moved in. Banshee had done her classic hiss/ faux lunge at me and the PM chased her down. We really don't get along. I was there first and she can go to one of the other windows!!!
The cats are mad at me though due to my little foray into the fresh air this week. The PM and MM are going to paint the outside of the house in a couple of months and are still not agreeing on colours. The PM was even thinking of removing the shutters as she felt they looked somewhat dated but the MM wants them to stay. So the PM was going outside for awhile to study the house while looking at some colour samples.

Spring is on its way here too! The temperatures are really warming up.
Mommy laughed at 'Goldie's pantaloons'!
Looks like you had a nice walk in the snow. We get those sticky buttons here as well. Sometimes the horses roll by them and then they come in with their manes and tails like a big mat and mum has to get them all out.
Beautiful outdoor shot of you, Shade! Those burdocks can be very tricky or sticky as the case may be!
~Lisa Co9T
So you got to go out, Shade? How clever of you to engineer it all!
Shutters KEEP HEAT IN and are therefore a good thing!!!
I'm laughing because you wouldn't believe what Jonesie drags in the house on her pantaloonies!
Love how you look against all that white snow. The garden is under there somewhere!!!
I wondered where the "whap" was!
MOL!!! That woulda been furry sneaky to stick that on his pantaloons!
Oooh, it looks awful cold out there!
Shade, it looks like you had an adventure with the PM; you're a silly girl and it would have been very funny for you to sneak one of those sticky balls on Goldie's pantaloons!!MOL...Maybe next time...We hope it warms up soon for you guys...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
That's odd to have "brrrs" around when there's still snow! Well, I guess the melting must have uncovered some from the fall.
You are the brave one, Shade! I can only imagine you must be busting to get outside on a regular basis -- there's nothing like a little fresh air.
That pose with one foot in the snow and the other curled in the air is quite familiar to me. All my kitties do that, too. Except now we have an entire front lawn of grass -- but there's still snow in the back. It all depends where the sun shines most.
And may it shine on you all!
I bet woo would like to stikhk it on my pantyloons too!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
We knew you were there first! It was nice of the PM to take you outside as a little extra treat.
What fun to go outside with the PM. I would like it except for the snow patches. It turns out I don't like snow at all. It's all melted here though. You are too funny about wanting to put that thistle think in Goldie's pantaloons. Hee hee.
Shade those were great pictures of you, especially the close up of just your face. But that snow looks cold!
purr on
We hope your snow goes away soon so there's more grass for you to enjoy!
I feel your pain! I'm ready for Spring too!
Shade, hang in there because spring and warm weather are on their way, even to where you live. Almost all of the snow is gone here in Pennsylvania
Heehee!! We love your expressions!!
Beautiful.... the pictures and words were a joy to see and read... :O) Like your Cattitude
We are looking forward to Spring too!
Mom and Dad have the same disagreements about house painting.
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