So today is the big homemade toy reveal. For the PM, it is the easiest toy she's actually made and for us it is the most fun!
Remember my favorite Christmas pal?

The PM felt bad that I loved it so much so she wanted to make me something similar.

So she made us some wool PUCKS!!!! (minus the little fella)

Filled with catnip!!

It slides beautifully!!

Perfect paw fit!

Some fuzzy action shots!

Now we need some help from our friends. We are trying to think up a neat name for our new toy. The PM has been calling it our
JC Puck but says that really isn't appropriate. Funny but not all that appropriate. We would like some suggestions from y'all. Our
400th post is coming up and we are going to have a couple of
puck set giveaways. One draw from our visitors and one from those who have suggested a name.
As an added bonus, these puck sets will be totally pimped out with both catnip and Valerian!
Leave your calm, relaxed selves at the door!!!
How about a "Holy Rollie Puck?" HaHaHaHaHa!
You kitties have a great mum! What a cool invention.
Maybe you could call it the 'Banshee Bouncer'.
Those are really cool! It may be simple, but you could call it the Nip Puck....
Those pucks are awesome! Let me see, maybe you could name them "Fleecy Pieces."
Ohhh those look so fun!! We're trying to think of a cool name, but Mom hasn't had her coffee yet, so she'll be back...
Hmmm...I want one so bad!
How about "Nip and Puck", or "Banshee's Delight", or "Worhsip Whappers", or....I don't know. I just want one!
That toy is super cool! Hmmm, what to call it? A Skittle?
What a great toy! We wish we could win one!
And Banshee, we must say you have the most unique face fur coloring ever!
Kewl! How'z 'bout PARTY PUCKS? They sure look groovy!
How about TUCK & PUCK?
Those look like they are the bestest toys in the werld!
purr on
How about cat saucers!?
I think you should name it some kind of lollypop or lollynip. It looks like the top of a lollypop. It could be the cherry lollynip. But Nip Puck sounds good too.
Those are great toys; Banshee is having a wonderful time with it...Since we can't follow you, Mom has tried to subscribe to your posts to get updates, but hasn't been able to subscribe for some reason...We really like your new toy and hope we can buy some=let us know!!...Have a great weekend...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
What about 'Nip Scooters'?
Mama has been working too much day and her brain is fried. Whatever you name them, they look like great toys. Your PM is so good to you. I remember when you loved that Christmas decoration, Banshee.
Catnip AND valerian...WOW!
We like the looks of those!
Oooooooooo!!! Way cool!!
How about PawPucks ??
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Wow, nip and valerian! That is the bestest. We can't think of a name. Maybe Puckaroo?
Now that looks like some fun. Banshee is a lucky girl to have cool one of a kind toys! I love some of the suggested names.
~Lisa Co9T
Valerian??? I love Valerian!
I like Fuzzy Wuzzy Puck!
Disc-O-Nip's!!! What do you think???
We love your cool new toys, Banshee!
Please thank Goldie for coming by my blog today! I'm sorry to hear about Goldie's "poo" tendencies when it comes to the PTU's. : ) I'm not going to let Goldie near MY carrier!
(Glogirly’s Cat)
Hey, those are very cool!
you can call them Nip Discs, or Nip Sliders! Love it!!
Happy Cat Family
That is one cool toy!
How about Pink Potato Puck. It kind of looks like a potato.
We'll remove our dunce caps and put on our thinking caps! Those toys are really neato:)
That looks fun. Love the photo where you hold the puck in your paws - so cute.
How about "Holy Puck!" I'd hafta share with Parker...
That looks like a great toy.
What a cute idea. We are not very good in choising names for things. Maybe Jolly Paw ?
Have fun and a wonderful sunday to you all in the woods!!!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
How about Nip Puck there use to be a show called Nip Tuck :)
You kitties are very lucky to have such a creative mom to make you such great toys. Those pucks look like great fun. We see a lot great suggestions for names in the comments.
Pawsome new toys! And made from older stuffs...
They turned out great! And stuffed with great stuffage. Mmmh, a name... maybe Pawsome Pucksters!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Those look neat. Maybe you could call them The PurrPuck, cause we assume they leave you purring with contentment. ~AFSS
We want one! What about the Cat Pimp Puck?
Those really look like fun! we still have our felted shroos from you (well one is hiding but the other one is right in the middle of the hall and every now and then we have to give it a whap). We love the idea of Paw Pucks but somebuddy else suggested that already!
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