I would like to welcome everyone to our 400th post! We are very excited about this.
I have to admit though that I am not as excited as I could be. I am sure you realize that something is amiss. I am, for the time being, boycotting the use of my likeness in this blog. The PM has disappointed me greatly and she is required to use this reasonably made facsimile.

Why, might you ask? Well. The PM forgot about a certain tuxie's birthday this weekend. A very special Gotcha Day. On Saturday, I turned 11 years old and I have been living with the PM and the MM for 10 years. That is cause for celebrations with all the bells and whistles.
What did I get? Nada. Zilch.
How did she find out it was my birthday you ask? Was it a huge colourful reminder on the calendar? No. Was it a gift that came in the mail addressed to me? No.
It was the stupid TV. Yep, the PM had turned on the Wii to do some yoga on Saturday night and the flippin' Wii told her that it was my birthday. It said "It is Shade's birthday today! Hope you had a great day together!" The PM felt pretty bad, I must admit, but I am still quite upset. She even said she was going to take me for a walk outside on my leash the next day but she didn't. I....

What are you doing Goldie? This is my tirade.

I thought this looked like fun so I wanted to try it out.
I also wanted to say I think you are being a little hard on the PM. The wee lass has been sick since Thursday, the wee lad got sick yesterday and the PM has been having a bout of migraines all weekend.

She was going to take you out but it snowed. Remember?
She also played throw the crushed up paper ball with you and let you sleep under the covers with her that night even though she was too hot. Too hot!!!!

From both of us and Banshee, we'd like to thank you all for sharing our lives with us and for being our furriends!
As a Thank You, we are going to give away one of our homemade Puck Packs to a commenter on today's post. We are also going to reveal the puck's new name!
Stay tuned!!!
Happy Gotcha-Birthday, Shade! We hope you are having a very happy day in lieu today:) Smooches!
P.S. Your stand-ins are very cute!
It's too bad about missing you most very special day, but forgiving is a good thing to do if you get to sleep under the covers!
Happy Gotcha'/Birthday!
Smoochies and concats on the 400 posts!
Happy Gotcha Day and Happy 400th post!!!!
Congrats on your 400th post!! And Happy Happy Gotcha Day, Shade!! Maybe your mom was waiting for your 400th post so you could have a doubly good celebration!!
We love your stunt doubles!
Happy Belated Birthday/GotchaDay, Shade! Actuay, we think it's pretty cool that the Wii remembered! You should probably forgive the PM if she's been tending both wee ones and a migraine, as long as she makes it up to you BIG TIME!
And congrats on your 400t post! We love your blog! And #1 says she hopes to see the PM again in person on "The Island" in July.
We think it's okay to forgive your Mom and we have a lot of congratulating to do here...
Happy Birthday and Gotcha day, Shade!!! Congratulations on your 400th post. We wish you many, many more!!!
First things first: Happy belated Birthday and Gotcha Day, Shade. 10 years is auch a long time together, we know that the PM loves you to bits. Also, many concats on the 400th post. We enjoy your post so much and are looking forward to many more of them.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Mom says she had three days of migraine too. Strange, huh?
A very Happy Birthday and Gotcha day to you Shade. Too bad the PM forgot but I bet she feels worse than you do.
And wowser, the 400th post. That is a lot and congrats on that. Hope we make it that far.
Have a great day.
Congrats of your 400th post and happy belated birthday and gotcha day to Shade!
Happy, Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day, Shade!!...We hope all your birthday wishes come true!...Very cute post, congratulations on 400!!...We hope everyone is feeling better and has a happy day...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki
Nice to meet you! We just found you via the Blogosphere links. :-)
Well, belated happy birthday and happy Gotcha Day and congratulations on your 400th post.
We hope all the humans feel better soon!
-The Fuzzy Tales crew
Congratulations on your 400th post! That is wonderful and we've enjoyed many of them in the last several months we've known you all.
I hope you celebrate every day with love, snuggles, crushed paper balls and long walks outside!
~Lisa Co9T
This was a great post! Very fun and creative! I just love these doubles of you.
A very happy birthday to Shade! Also, congrats on your 4ooth post! Wow!
I hope the PM and wee ones are doing better. You know how much you're loved. I hope you get that walk soon.
Happy Gotchya~Purrday!!! AND...happy 400th post too! Here's to MANY more (of both!)
HAPPY belated PURRDAY! We did love how you used the two ceramic pieces for your posting today. (We also have a set of these and love them!) We hope you will forgive your PM we are sure she will make it all up to you. And da-dah happy 400th post! That is a BIG milestone. WE hope for another 400 and another and another and another....and well you see!
Congratulations on your 400th post! And most of all, happy belated birthday to you, Shade!
A happy happy belated birthday and happy Gotcha-day!
Congrats on your 400th post too!
We hope everyone is feeling better today and you got your walk soon.
What a cool idea to use these doubles of you!
Luna, Luzie and Olli
Hey thats some posts.. Congratulations.. I am sorry your importand days got missed but your mum has had a lot on and she does love you.. I am sure she will make it up to you.. HUgs GJ xx
Concats on your 400th post. We have enjoyed your posts and pictures immensely. This is to 4000 more.
A belated Happy Birthday/Gotcha Day too! A bit sad to have to be reminded by the Wii that it was your day. Nevertheless, I am sure the PM will make it up to you.
Belated happy birthday and Gotcha Day Shade. Concats on 400 posts too.
Your stand ins are cute.
What a purry full post!
Happy Gotcha 400th Birthday Post Day!
Well, look at you!! How cute.
Hey congratz on your 400th post. That's an achievement.
I sympathize with you, Shade. When my Mom forgot MY purrthday, I told the world about it on my blog, too!
Wow there's so much to say. First Happy Birthday Shade!! Concats on 400 posts! You cats are the coolest!
Now your likenesses are so cool, I totally want one of my own!!
So much to celebrate! Congrats on your 400th post and even bigger love and hugs out to you Shade for your GotchaBirthday!
We can hardly wait to find out the name of the pucks!
We just love you all so much and we are so lucky to have you as furriends.
Happy Gotcha-Birthday and 400th post!
#400 made me laugh and laugh!!
Happy 400th Post! and Happy (belated) Birthday, Shade! Your "reasonably made facsimile" made Mommy laugh and laugh. We are very sorry that the Wii is the only one who remembered your birthday, but it sounds like the PM is really trying to make it up to you. Since the Wii is so thoughtful, you might want to write its birthday on the PM's calendar, so you can wish the Wii a happy birthday too.
Happy 400th post.
But we think ya oughtta get a real live dead shrimp or something for it. Mebbe even ham.
Happy belated birthday and gotcha days and congratulations on your 400th post! awesome!
i'm sorry your mommy missed your big day. gotcha days are especially special.
i missed your pretty face on the post, but i understand the boycott. your stand ins are so cool! where did you find them?
perhaps you can still get extra special treats like chicken if you give your mommy the sad face to remind her she forgot.
we hope your wee lad feels all better now. it is so hard when they are sick to get your fair share of attention.
PS I think your mommy should throw the paper ball and let you sleep under the covers every night!
Concats on 400 posts, you should have gotten extra treats and such.
Happy Purrthday and Happy Gotcha Day, Shade! Meowmy has a set of salt and pepper shakers who look a lot like your stand-ins...they live on the back of the stove and watch over the kitchen. Sorry that the PM missed your special day, but it sounds like she has had her hands full with sick pink kittens and bad headaches. Concatulations to all of you on your 400th post...best wishes for many more!
We's kinda late in our Gotcha Day wishes, but if wishes were fishes, you'd be nomming right now!
Those little cats did a pretty good impersonation of you two!
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